Christine LAI
Professeur associé
Thèmes de recherche
1. Gestion des forces de vente
2. Interactions acheteur-vendeur dans le contexte Business-to-Business
3. Key account management et team selling
4. Education marketing et vente
Prix et récompenses
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Arndt, Aaron. 2025. Empowering salespeople in complex negotiations: autonomy and leeway in preparation and concession-making. Journal of Business Research, 190 : 13 p.
Rouziou, Maria, Bolander, Willy, Peesker, Karen, Hautamäki, Pia, Rangarajan, Deva, Samaraweera, Manoshi, Bullemore, Jorge, Klein, Michel, Agnihotri, Raj, Burgdorff Jensen, Karina, Pimentel Claro, Danny, Fournier, Christophe, Gonzalez, Gabriel R., Guenzi, Paolo, Kadić-Maglajlić, Selma, Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Palomino-Tamayo, Walter, Ramos, Carla, Ryals, Lynette, Salas, Jim, Huanhuan, Shi, Squire, Philip, Westphal, Jörg. 2024. Global Events Demand Global Data: COVID-19 Crisis Responses and the Future of Selling and Sales Management around the Globe. Journal of International Marketing, FORTH : 85 p.
Badrinarayanan, Vishag, Rangarajan, Deva, Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Bowen, Melanie, Kaski, Timo Arvid. 2024. Digital transformation in sales organizations: antecedents of sales managers’ change readiness and championing behaviors. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, FORTH : 25 p.
Bowen, Melanie, Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Haas, Alexander, Rangarajan, Deva. 2021. Social media in B2B sales: Why and when does salesperson social media usage affect salesperson performance?. Industrial Marketing Management, 96 : 166-182 p.
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Beitelspacher, Lauren. 2021. Impacts of salespeople’s biased and unbiased performance attributions on job satisfaction: the concept of misattributed satisfaction. European Journal of Marketing, 55 (2) : 468-496 p.
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Gelb, Betsy. 2019. Another Look at Motivating – and Retaining – Salespeople. Journal of Business Strategy, 40 (4) : 11-17 p.
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Yang, Ying. 2017. The Role of Formal Information Sharing in Key Account Team Effectiveness: Does Informal Control Matter and When. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 37 (4) : 313-331 p.
Lai-Bennejean, Christine. 2016. The Effect of Individual Market Orientation on Sales Performance: An Integrated Framework for Assessing the Role of Formal and Informal Communications. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 24 (3) : 328-343 p.
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Gelb, Betsy. 2015. Key Account Teams: Success Factors for Implementing Strategy. Journal of Business Strategy, 36 (4) : 48-55 p.
Articles académiques
Bowen, Melanie, Lai-Bennejean, Christine. 2024. From Words to Sales: Storytelling Rhetoric in Buyer-Seller Interactions . St Louis, Missouri, USA, April 10th-12th, 2024. St Louis, Missouri : NCSM
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Arndt, Aaron. 2024. Preparation Effort for Complex Sales Negotiations. St Louis, Missouri, USA, April 10th-12th, 2024. St Louis, Missouri : NCSM
Bowen, Melanie, Lai-Bennejean, Christine. 2023. Exploring the Effectiveness of Storytelling in Buyer–Seller Interactions: A Mixed-Method Study . 2023, Norfolk, Virginia, March 29th - March 31st, 2023. NCSM, 19-21 p. 19-21 p.
Chambost-Guigard, Laure, Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Pardo, Catherine, Vanheems, Régine. 2023. Business-to-business selling through a practice lens: Reconciling the different perspectives of the selling phenomenon . 6th, Bamberg, Germany, 19-20 January, 2023. Bamberg, Germany : University of Bamberg
Yang, Ying, Pan, Xiaofei, Lai-Bennejean, Christine. 2022. How does Feedback Design Motivate the Next Generation of Salespeople?: Theory and Evidence from an Experimental Study . Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, March 23-25, 2022. Minneapolis, Minnesota : NCSM
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Poil Burtin, Maud. 2021. Tell stories that make sense: An example of training business logic in selling . St. Louis, USA, April 7-9, 2021. NCSM, 5 p. 5 p.
Klein, Michel, Poujol, Fanny J., Lai-Bennejean, Christine. 2020. The Impact of Customer Mistreatment on Salespeople’s Emotion Management and Selling Success: The Key Role of Emotional Authenticity . Online, November, 2020. Online : SMA, Society for Marketing Advances
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Marcos-Cuevas, Javier. 2020. The Impacts of Business Objective and Leeway Left to Salespeople on Negotiation Outcomes. Norfolk, VA USA, April 1-3, 2020. Norfolk : NCSM
Communications de conférences
Lai-Bennejean, Christine. 2024. Management des métiers de la relation client: Comment trouver l'équilibre entre contrôle et délégation ?. Havard Business Review France
Bowen, Melanie, Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Haas, Alexander, Rangarajan, Deva. 2022. The Secrets of Social Media in Salesperson Performance. Kelly Center Research Report, 15 (2): 18-22 p.
Lai-Bennejean, Christine. 2021. Face à la crise, les managers doivent se montrer plus à l’écoute que jamais. The Conversation
Melkonian, Tessa, Lai-Bennejean, Christine. 2020. Engagement et performance collective: les précieux conseils des chercheurs aux managers. The Conversation
Lai-Bennejean, Christine. 2020. How to Make Your Salespeople Happy and Engaged to Work?. Knowledge@emlyon
Articles de presse
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Poil Burtin, Maud. 2024. Strategy Action: How to create your sales Action Plan = Stratégie commerciale : Comment créer votre plan d'action commercial ?. CCMP, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques, N0021(GB) : 8 p.
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Poil Burtin, Maud. 2023. Stratégie commerciale: Comment créer votre plan d'action commercial ?. CCMP, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques, N0021 : 9 p.
Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Fournier, Christophe. 2022. How to develop an ethical climate for an effective CSR policy?= Comment développer un climat éthique pour une politique RSE efficace ?. CCMP, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques, R0013(GB) : 8 p.
Cas pédagogiques
- American Marketing Association (AMA) Sales SIG
- Association Française de Marketing
Communications et Séminaires
- Arron Arndt and Christine Lai-Bennejean, “Tips for Effective Document Management”, Special session at the National Conference in Sales Management (NCSM), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, March 23-26, 2022
- Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Global Sales Operations YouTube channel: CHIC (Christine Interview Commercial) :
- Lai-Bennejean, Christine (2020), “How to Make Your Salespeople Happy and Engaged to Work? ” in Makerstories Jan 22 2020: knowledge @emlyon.
- Michel Klein, Juliet F. Poujol and Christine Lai-Bennejean, “The Impact of Customer Mistreatment on Salespeople's Emotion Management and Selling Success: The Key Role of Emotional Authenticity” Proceedings of the Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference, Montpellier, France, 2020
- Lai-Bennejean, Christine and Javier Marcos-Cuevas,“The Impacts of Business Objective and Leeway Left to Salespeople on Negotiation Outcomes”, Proceedings of the National Conference in Sales Management (NCSM), Norfolk, VA USA, 2020
- Lai, Christine Jaushyuam and Betsy Gelb, “Learning More About Salesperson Job Satisfaction”, presented at the National Conference in Sales Management, Saint Diego, USA, 2018
- Lai, Christine Jaushyuam and Ying Yang, “Performance Impact of Customer Orientation and Task Interdependence in Key Accounts Sales Teams: An Information Sharing Perspective”, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, Coronado Island, California, USA, 2017
- Lai, Christine Jaushyuam and René Darmon, “Applying Llosa's Tretra-class Model for Effective Management of Sales Force Job Satisfaction,” Thought Leadership on the Sales Profession Conference hosted by HEC Paris, Paris, May 2017:
- Lai, Christine Jaushyuam and René Darmon, “The Impact of Salespeople's Unbiased and Biased Attributions on Their Job Satisfaction: An Experimental Study”, Proceedings of the National Conference in Sales Management, St. Louis, USA, 2017, 66-68
- Lai, Christine Jaushyuam and René Darmon, “The Impact of Salespeople's Attribution Biases on Job Satisfaction: The Concept of Unwarranted Satisfaction”, Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science, Denver, USA, 2015, p 655-656
- Lai, Christine Jaushyuam, Son Lam and Michael Ahearne, “Performance Impact of Individual Market Orientation in Sales Teams: Does Formality of Communication Matter and When?” Thought Leadership on the Sales Profession Conference hosted by Columbia University, New York City, 2014:
- Lai, Jau-Shyuam, “Does Informal Network Make Formal Communication More or Less Effective?” American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Educators' Conference: B2B Sales Track Session, Austin, TX, USA, 2011
- Lai, Jau-Shyuam, “The Effect of Formal and Informal Communication on Sales Information Transmission: The Moderating Role of Competitive Climate”, ISBM Academic Conference: Advances in B-to-B Marketing, Boston, USA, 2010
- Lai, Jau-Shyuam, “Sales Information Transmission: Formal and Informal Communication among Salespeople”, ISBM Business-to-Business Ph.D. Student Research Camp, Boston, USA, 2010
- Lai, Jau-Shyuam, “Effects of Social Exchange Relationships on Sales Information Transmission”, PhD winning paper, National Conference in Sales Management, Milwaukee, USA, 2010