Professeur associé
Thèmes de recherche
1. Théorie de la négociation
2. Négociation et vente
3. L'organisation négociatrice
4. Modes Alternatifs de Résolution des Conflits
Hinshaw, Art, Borbély, Adrian, Chrustie, Calvin. 2023. Where is Negotiation in Hybrid Warfare?. Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, 24 (3) : 517-541 p.
Borbély, Adrian, Caputo, Andrea. 2017. Approaching Negotiation at the Organizational Level. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 10 (4) : 306-323 p.
Borbély, Adrian, Matz, David. 2017. How to Learn About Negotiation from Full Length Descriptions of Real Events. Journal of Dispute Resolution, 2017 (1) : 12 p.
Borbély, Adrian, Ebner, Noam, Honeyman, Christopher, Kaufman, Sanda, Kupfer Schneider, Andrea. 2017. A “Grand” Unified Negotiation Theory. in Context. Journal of Dispute Resolution, 2017 (1) : 14 p.
Borbély, Adrian. 2011. Agency in Conflict Resolution as a Manager–Lawyer Issue: Theory and Implications for Research. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 4 (2) : 129-144 p.
Borbély, Adrian. 2011. ADR and Managers’ Involvement in Disputes: Are Management Students Well Prepared to Handle Dispute Resolution?. Revue d'Arbitrage et de Médiation, 2 (1) : 51-70 p.
Articles académiques
Borbély, Adrian, Giraudon, Bruno André, Sikharulidze, Tariel. 2022. Between Interests and Values, Often Choose One Must. In Ebner, Noam, Reynolds, Jennifer Wenska, Star Wars & Conflict Resolution. St. Paul, MN : Dri Press
Borbély, Adrian, Sikharulidze, Tariel. 2022. Glocalism As the Main Challenge to Academic Nomads. In Lock, Deborah, Caputo, Andrea, Hack-Polay, Dieu, Igwe, Paul, Borderlands. Cham : Springer, 57-66 p.
Borbély, Adrian, Caputo, Andrea. 2019. Organizational Factors in Negotiation. In Kupfer Schneider, Andrea, Honeyman, Christopher, Negotiation Essentials for Lawyers. Chicago : ABA Book Publishing
Borbély, Adrian, Ohana, Julien. 2017. The Impact of the Negotiator's Mindset, in Three Dimensions. In Honeyman, Christopher, Kupfer Schneider, Andrea, The Negotiator's Desk Reference. Dri Press, 91-102 p.
Borbély, Adrian, Caputo, Andrea. 2017. The Organization as Negotiator. In Honeyman, Christopher, Kupfer Schneider, Andrea, The Negotiator's Desk Reference. Dri Press, 227-238 p.
Borbély, Adrian. 2015. Comprendre la médiation interentreprises et la lenteur de son développement en France. In Cecchi-Dimeglio, Paola, Blohorn-Brenneur, Béatrice, Canivet, Guy, Manuel interdisciplinaire des modes amiables de résolution des conflits Interdisciplinary Handbook of Dispute Resolution. Bruxelles : Larcier, 915-938 p.
Chapitres d'ouvrages
Borbély, Adrian, De Becdelièvre, Pauline. 2022. Grève à la SNCF pendant les fêtes: Une erreur stratégique ?. The Conversation: 4 p.
Borbély, Adrian, Giraudon, Bruno André. 2021. Brexit : pourquoi les négociations ont-elles été si difficiles ?. The Conversation France
Borbély, Adrian. 2020. Taking the (Forced) Dive into Teaching Negotiation Online. Pin Points: Processes of International Negotiation, 48: 16-16 p.
Articles de presse
Communications et Séminaires
- Borbély A. & Caputo A. (2016). The Firm's Strategy and its Negotiation Capability: the Ryanair Case. Presented at the 16th EURAM conference, Paris – Créteil (France) and at the 5th NOVANCIA Biennale conference, Paris (France)
- Borbély A. & Caputo A. (2015). When Organizations Negotiate. An Agenda for Studying Negotiation as a Corporate Capability. Presentation to the 28th IACM (International Association for Conflict Management) conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida (USA)
- Borbély A. (2015). Sales in a Negotiation Program – or Vice Versa? Bridges and complementarities.Presentation to the 4th Sales Educator Academy, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida (USA)
- Borbély A. (2014). Tell me how you deal with your lawyer, I will tell you how your dispute will be resolved. Presentation to the 27th IACM conference, Leiden (Netherlands)
- Borbély A. (2014). Vers un traitement renouvelé du litige : les difficultés à surmonter,
- les conditions à réunir. Presented at an ANVIE day event on “how to turn ADR into a lever for business performance?”, Paris (France)
- Borbély A. (2013). Gestion des conflits et droit. Presentation to the 1st Convention on research and teaching of law inGrandes Ecoles at ESCE – TEM, Paris
- Borbély A., Irvine C. & Lande J. (2012) ADR and local legal traditions: Comparing challenges for lawyers, clients and ADR promoters. Presentation to the 25th IACM conference, Stellenbosch (RSA)
- Borbély A. & Wetter E. (2011).Agency and coproduction of professional services: evidence from manager-lawyer relationships in conflict resolution. Presentation to the 27th EGOS colloquium, Göteborg (Sweden)
- Borbély A. & Wetter E. (2011).Opening the black box of a corporate disputant: manager-lawyer coproducing response to conflict. Presentation to the 24th IACM conference, Istanbul (Turkey)
- Borbély A. (2011).L'Avenir de la médiation: réflexions à partir de l'expérience française. Trinational summer school on forms and rules of ADR in Belarus, France and Germany, Belarusian State University, Minsk (Belarus)
- Borbély A. (2010). Consideration for ADR and managers' involvement in disputes: are management students well-prepared to handle dispute resolution?Presented at the 4th Negotiation Biennale, NEGOCIA, Paris (France)
- Borbély A. (2010).La médiation est-elle un dispositif juridique? Conséquences du débat.Third European Conference on Mediation, Bourg la Reine – Grand Paris (France)
- Borbély A. (2005). La médiation dans les Conflits au Travail: Perspectives Franco-américaines. Contribution to the 2nd Negotiation Biennale, NEGOCIA, Paris (France)