Professeur assistant

Ph.D Business Administration

Strategy & Organization

Thèmes de recherche

1. Processus d'innovation

2. Innovation et institutions

3. Industries stigmatisées

4. Émergence de nouvelle catégorie de produit

Prix et récompenses

James B. and Michele J. Thomas Doctoral Scholarship
Smeal College of Business, Pennsylvania State University, États-Unis
Smeal Small Research Grant
2016 - 2015
Pennsylvania State University, États-Unis


  • Academy of Management
  • European Group of Organizational Studies

Communications et Séminaires

  • Tharchen, T., Garud, R. (July 2018). “Institutional pathways to grand challenges: E-cigarettes in the US and UK.” European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium, Tallinn.
  • Tharchen, T., Garud, R. (August 2017). “The emergence of new market categories in stigmatized industries: The case of e-cigarettes.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Atlanta.
  • Garud, R., Tharchen, T. (August 2016). “A critical perspective on how institutions matter in marginalizing and reconstituting identities.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim.
  • Garud, R; Tharchen, T. (August 2016). “Crippled by kindness: when innovations and institutions collide and collude to address social problems.” Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim.