Rickie MOORE
Professeur niveau 1
Thèmes de recherche
1. Entrepreneuriat international
2. Internationalisation des entreprises nouvelles
3. Différences culturelles en matière d'entrepreneuriat
Moore, Rickie, Péron, Michel. 2007. Change and Organizational Performance, The importance of Incorporating Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment, in Socio-Economic Intervention in Organizations. Research in Management Consulting series, 373-384 P.
Gomez, Pierre-Yves, Moore, Rickie. 2006. From Strategy of Religions to Religion of Strategy. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 3 (3) : 199-213 P.
Fayolle, Alain, Moore, Rickie. 2001. Where with research on the entrepreneurial process: insights from an empirical approach. Revue MIF, 1 : 79-100 P.
Articles académiques
Moore, Rickie, Prange, Christiane, Steinberg, Alexandra, SIOUFI, Ariane, BOUSQUET, Pierre. 2008. The SAS Approach to Implementing Effective IT-Scorecarding and Strategy Performance Management: Translating Strategy into Action. Professional Development Workshop .
Moore, Rickie. 2006. SEAM and Organizational Change: Implementing Change in a American Context .
Moore, Rickie. 2006. Workshop: Combining Consulting, Research and Teaching in Academia.
Moore, Rickie. 2006. Workshop: Preparing a Ph.D. based on Management Consulting Experience .
Moore, Rickie. 2006. Intended Effects & Unintended Consequences: Sarbanes-Oxley Transforming Board Rooms & Consulting. .
Moore, Rickie. 2006. Workshop: Communities of Practice in Management Consulting.
Moore, Rickie. 2006. Validity and Epistemology in Action Research.
Moore, Rickie. 2005. Enseignement de gestion en 2015 enjeux et scénarios.
Moore, Rickie, Bonnet, Marc, Savall, Henri. 2005. Qualimetrics as an intervention methodology.
Moore, Rickie. 2002. Evaluating Firm Performance: Why firms need to Reengineer their Performance Measuring Systems .
Moore, Rickie. 2002. Measuring Up: New Developments in Firm Performance Measuring Systems .
Moore, Rickie. 2002. Réussir votre Business Plan.
Moore, Rickie, Bonnet, Marc, Péron, Michel. 2001. Developing Consulting Potential: Integrated Intervention Methodology, Management Consulting Division .
Moore, Rickie, Bonnet, Marc, HARRIS, Marylin, POUFELT, Flemming, WEISS, Joseph, MALLINGER, Mark, WERTHER, William. 2001. University-Based Approaches to Developing Management Consulting, Management Consulting Division.
Moore, Rickie. 2001. Réussir votre Business Plan.
Moore, Rickie, Bonnet, Marc. 2000. High Impact Consulting for A New Time, Management Consulting Division.
Moore, Rickie, Bonnet, Marc. 1999. In Search of An Integrated Approach to Management, Management Consulting Division.
Moore, Rickie. 1999. The Successful Management Consultant, Management Consulting Division: Professional Development Workshop .
Moore, Rickie, Bonnet, Marc. 1998. The Consulting Process: Diagnostic Tools and Intervention Strategies, Management Consulting Division .
Moore, Rickie, Bonnet, Marc, Savall, Henri. 1998. In search of an integrated approach to management.
Communications de conférences
Gomez, Pierre-Yves, Moore, Rickie. 2009. Board Members and Management Consultants: Redefining the Boundaries of Consulting and Coporate Governance. Charlotte : Information Age Pub., 219 p.
Moore, Rickie, Fayolle, Alain, Torrès, Olivier, Volery, Thierry, Cooney, Thomas M. 2007. European cases in entrepreneurship. Dublin : Blackhall publishing, 156 p.
Moore, Rickie. 2017. Consulting in entrepreneurship: Essential foundations for consultants. In Poulfelt, Flemming, Olson, Thomas H., Management consulting today and tomorrow: perspectives and advice from leading experts. New-York : Routledge, 423-436 p.
DESMAISON, Gérard, Moore, Rickie. 2015. In Search of Sustainable Firm Performance: The Socio-Economic Approach to Management Interventions. In Buono, Anthony F., Savall, Henri, The Socio-Economic Approach to Management Revisited: The Evolving Nature of SEAM in the 21st Century. Information Age Publishing
SAUKA, Arnis, TIMOFEJEVS, Aiars, Moore, Rickie. 2011. EWaiter (Estonia). In KRAUS, Sascha, Entrepreneurship – Fallstudien: Unternehmensgründung, Intrapreneurship und Innovationsmanagement. Springer, 81-102 P.
Torrès, Olivier, Moore, Rickie. 2011. L' innovation en PME: Le cas Hytec, l'innovateur en milieu hostile. In Marchesnay, Michel, Messeghem, Karim, Cas de stratégie de PME et d'entrepeneuriat. EMS, 143-158 P.
Moore, Rickie, Péron, Michel. 2010. On the axiology and actionability of knowledge creation about organizations in management science research. In BROGGER, Benedicte, EIKELAND, Olav, Labour, Education & Society 15. Turning to Practice with Action Research. Peter Lang, 179-194
Gomez, Pierre-Yves, RUSSEL, David. 2009. The question of motivation of nonexecutive directors. In Gomez, Pierre-Yves, Moore, Rickie, Board Members and Management Consultants: Redefining the Boundaries of Consulting and Corporate Governance. Information Age Publishing, 155-170 P.
Moore, Rickie. 2009. How Sarbanes-Oxley is transforming corporate boards and impacting consulting: Intended effects and unintended consequences. In Gomez, Pierre-Yves, Moore, Rickie, Board Members and Management Consultants: Redefining the Boundaries of Consulting and Corporate Governance. Information Age Publishing, 203-214 P.
Moore, Rickie, Torrès, Olivier. 2007. Hytec. In COONEY, Thomas, Moore, Rickie, European Cases in Entrepreneurship. Blackhall, 141-156 P.
Fayolle, Alain. 2007. French Art of Living. In COONEY, Thomas, Moore, Rickie, European Cases in Entrepreneurship. Blackhall, 1-22 P.
Moore, Rickie, Savall, Henri, Bonnet, Marc. 2002. A la recherche d'une approche intégrée du management. In Péron, Michel, Transdisciplinarité : fondement de la pensée managériale anglo-saxonne ?. Economica
Savall, Henri, Fayolle, Alain, Voyant, Olivier, Moore, Rickie. 2001. Conclusion sur les actions régionales en entrepreneuriat: Lyon, un pôle d'excellence sur la recherche-intervention en entreprise. In ISEOR, Recherche-Intervention et Création d'Entreprises : Accompagnement et Evaluation : actes du 13è Colloque annuel de l'ISEOR, Lyon, 2000. Economica, 121-127 P.
Savall, Henri, Zardet, Véronique, Bonnet, Marc, Moore, Rickie. 2001. A system-wide integrated methodology for intervening in organizations: the ISEOR approach. In BUONO, A.F., Current trends in management consulting. , 105-125 P.
Moore, Rickie. 1999. Management Education and Globalization: Paradoxes and Paradigms. In AZUELOS, Martine, Pax Americana : de l'hégémonie au leadership économique. Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 139-159 P.
Moore, Rickie. 1996. The Commonwealth as an instrument of globalization. In AZUELOS, Martine, Le modèle économique anglo-saxon à l'épreuve de la globalisation. Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle
Chapitres d'ouvrages
Moore, Rickie. 2014. Uncertainty and the 'entrepreneurial mindset'. Global Focus, 08 (02): 28-32 P.
Moore, Rickie. 2012. Time for a genuine commitment to CSR. Financial Times: 1 P.
Moore, Rickie. 2011. Entreprendre, un parcours du combattant ?. Le Progrès: 4-4 P.
Lipuma, Joseph, Moore, Rickie. 2009. Geared for Growth Business Models in Emerging Economies. Effective executive