Professeur associé
Thèmes de recherche
1. Charisme
2. Leadership
3. Méthodes de recherche
4. Leadership
Prix et récompenses
Wilms, Rafael, Bastardoz, Nicolas, Seif el Dahan, Clara, Jacquart, Philippe. 2024. Are we on the same page? Leader-follower value congruence as a boundary condition in the emergence of charismatic effects. The Leadership Quarterly, FORTH : 22 p.
Jacquart, Philippe, Santoni, Simone, Schudy, Simeon, Sieweke, Jost, Withers, Michael. 2024. Exogenous shocks: Definitions, types, and causal identification issues. The Leadership Quarterly, 35 (5) : 17 p.
Bastardoz, Nicolas, Jacquart, Philippe, Antonakis, John. 2024. Effect of crises on charisma signaling: A regression discontinuity design. Leadership Quarterly, 35 (5)
Guillén Ramo, Laura, Jacquart, Philippe, Hogg, Michael. 2023. To Lead, or to Follow?: How Self-Uncertainty and the Dark Triad of Personality Influence Leadership Motivation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49 (7) : 1043-1057 p.
Guillén Ramo, Laura, Jacquart, Philippe, Hogg, Michael A. 2018. Leadership and the dark triad: How self-uncertainty helps malevolent leaders rise to the top. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2018 (1)
Antonakis, John, Bastardoz, Nicolas, Jacquart, Philippe, Shamir, Boar. 2016. Charisma: An Ill-Defined and Ill-Measured Gift. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 3 (1) : 293-319 P.
Jacquart, Philippe, Antonakis, John. 2015. When does charisma matter for top-level leaders? Effect of attributional ambiguity. Academy of Management Journal, 58 (4) : 1051-1074 P.
Armstrong, J. Scott, Jacquart, Philippe. 2013. The Ombudsman: Is the Evidence Sufficient to Take Action on Executive Pay?: Reply to Commentators. Interfaces, 43 (6) : 602-604 p.
Jacquart, Philippe, Armstrong, J. Scott. 2013. The Ombudsman: Are Top Executives Paid Enough?: An Evidence-Based Review. Interfaces, 43 (6) : 580-589 p.
Antonakis, John, BENDAHAN, Samuel, Jacquart, Philippe, LALIVE, Rafael. 2010. On making causal claims: A review and recommendations. Leadership Quarterly, 21 (6) : 1086-1120 P.
Articles académiques
Bastardoz, Nicolas, Jacquart, Philippe, Antonakis, John. 2015. Crisis and Rhetoric in Presidential Leadership: A Regression Discontinuity Design . 75, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 7-11th, 2015. AOM, Academy of Management
Jacquart, Philippe, Antonakis, John. 2014. Selecting Top-Level Leaders: The Effect of Charisma Under Conditions of Attributional Ambiguity . 74th, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 1-5, 2014. AOM, Academy of Management
Communications de conférences
Jacquart, Philippe, Cole, Michael, Gabriel, Allison S., Koopman, Joel, Rosen, Christopher C. 2017. Studying Leadership: Research Design and Methods. In Antonakis, John, Day, David V., The Nature of Leadership. Sage Publications
Antonakis, John, BENDAHAN, Samuel, Jacquart, Philippe, LALIVE, Rafael. 2014. Causality and Endogeneity: Problems and Solutions. In Day, David V., The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations. Oxford University Press
Antonakis, John, Jacquart, Philippe. 2012. The far side of leadership: Rather difficult to face. In BLIGH, Michelle C., RIGGIO, Ronald E., Exploring Distance in Leader-Follower Relationships: When Near is Far and Far is Near. Routledge, 155-187 P.
Antonakis, John, BENDAHAN, Samuel, Jacquart, Philippe. 2011. The Right Person for the Job: Choosing and Managing Leaders. In Palazzo, Guido, Wentland, Maia, Responsible Management Practices for the 21st Century. Pearson
Chapitres d'ouvrages
Jacquart, Philippe. 2016. Présidentielle américaine: le modèle qui prévoyait la victoire de Trump. The Conversation France
Jacquart, Philippe, Antonakis, John. 2015. When do charismatic leaders rise to the top job?. LSE Business Review
Jacquart, Philippe. 2014. Business school experts: High CEO pay hurts American companies, stockholders. FoxNews: 3 P.
Articles de presse
- Association for Psychological Science
- Academy of Management Association
- European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology
- Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology