Professeur assistant
Centre de recherche : Cognition, Behaviour, and Transformation Research Center
Thèmes de recherche
1. Mindsets
2. Leadership et développement personnel
3. Développement de carrière et succès
4. Personnalité
5. Recherche d'emploi et chômage
Prix et récompenses
Keating, Lauren A., Heslin, Peter Andrew. 2025. Is the devil in the details? A qualitative exploration of differentiated mindsets during job search. Applied Psychology, 74 (1) : 24 p.
Keating, Lauren A., Walker, Benjamin W. 2025. Lay Theories of Expertise: A Mixed-Methods Exploration. Journal of Management Studies, FORTH : 39 p.
Keating, Lauren A. 2024. Revisiting mindsets for careers research: What we know, what we don’t and why we should care. Career Development International, 29 (5) : 577-592 p.
Keating, Lauren A., Heslin, Peter Andrew. 2022. A Lay Theory Perspective on Age-Based Stereotyping. Work, Aging and Retirement, 8 (4) : 375-378 p.
Heslin, Peter Andrew, Keating, Lauren A., Ashford, Susan J. 2020. How being in learning mode may enable a sustainable career across the lifespan. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 117
Heslin, Peter Andrew, Keating, Lauren A., Minbashian, Amirali. 2019. How Situational Cues and Mindset Dynamics Shape Personality Effects on Career Outcomes. Journal of Management, 45 (5) : 2101-2131 p.
Heslin, Peter Andrew, Keating, Lauren A. 2017. In learning mode?: The role of mindsets in derailing and enabling experiential leadership development. The Leadership Quarterly, 28 (3) : 367-384 p.
Heslin, Peter Andrew, Keating, Lauren A. 2016. Stuck in the muck?: The role of mindsets in self-regulation when stymied during the job search. Journal of Employment Counseling, 53 (4) : 146-161 p.
Keating, Lauren A., Heslin, Peter Andrew. 2015. The potential role of mindsets in unleashing employee engagement. Human Resource Management Review, 25 (4) : 329-341 p.
Heslin, Peter Andrew, Keating, Lauren A. 2013. How Mindsets Set the Stage for Career Success. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013 (1)
Articles académiques
Keating, Lauren A., Heslin, Peter Andrew, Minbashian, Amirali. 2022. Too Much of a Good Thing?: The Effect of Growth Mindsets during Personnel Selection . 82nd, Seattle, USA, 5-9 August 2022. Seattle : Academy of Management, 7 p. 7 p.
Keating, Lauren A., Heslin, Peter Andrew. 2017. Sorting the Wheat from the Chaff: The Role of Mindsets in Employee Differentiation . 77, Atlanta, Georgia, August 4-8, 2017. Academy of Management
Heslin, Peter Andrew, Keating, Lauren A., Minbashian, Amirali. 2017. A Mindset Theory of Career Success. 77, Atlanta, Georgia, August 4-8, 2017. Academy of Management
Keating, Lauren A. 2016. Splitting Hairs or Forging Ahead?: Exploring the Existence of Differentiated Mindsets . 76, Anaheim, California, August 5-9, 2016. Academy of Management
Eggenhofer-Rehart, Petra M., Heslin, Peter Andrew, Keating, Lauren A., Latzke, Markus, Gunz, Hugh P. 2016. Probing the Antecedents and Nature of Career Success. 76, Anaheim, California, August 5-9, 2016. Academy of Management
Heslin, Peter Andrew, Keating, Lauren A. 2016. How Mindsets May Derail (and Enable) Experiential Leadership Development. 2, Sydney, February 20-22, 2016. UNSW Business School
Keating, Lauren A., Heslin, Peter Andrew. 2015. Goal Linking: A Work Motivational Peril or Imperative? . 75, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 7-11th, 2015. Academy of Management
Keating, Lauren A., Heslin, Peter Andrew. 2015. The Potential Role of Mindsets in Unleashing Employee Engagement. 75, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 7-11th, 2015. Academy of Management
Heslin, Peter Andrew, Keating, Lauren A. 2015. In Learning Mode?: The Role of Mindsets in Experiential Leadership Development . 75, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 7-11th, 2015. Academy of Management
Communications de conférences
Heslin, Peter Andrew, Mortimore, Geoff, Keating, Lauren A. 2017. Rockstar vs. Ringmaster: Balancing complementary teaching roles to develop management skills. In Brown, Kenneth G., The Cambridge Handbook of Workplace Training and Employee Development. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 495-518 p.
Heslin, Peter Andrew, Klehe, Ute-Christine, Keating, Lauren A. 2017. Self-efficacy. In Rogelberg, Steven G., The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Sage Publications, 1401-1406 p.
Chapitres d'ouvrages
Keating, Lauren A., Heslin, Peter Andrew. 2024. Recherche d’emploi: Votre état d’esprit est-il un obstacle ?. Knowledge@emlyon
Keating, Lauren A., Heslin, Peter Andrew. 2024. Looking for work? Your mindset could be hampering your search. The Conversation
Keating, Lauren A. 2023. Stress Relief. Breathe Magazine, 53: 10-11 p.
Keating, Lauren A., Heslin, Peter Andrew, Ashford, Susan J. 2017. Good leaders are good learners. Harvard Business Review OnPoint
Articles de presse
- Academy of Management (représentant de la division des carrières, 2016 - 2019)
Communications et Séminaires
- Bartolec, I., & Keating, L. A. (2018, August). Careers in the rough: A research development workshop. Organizer of this professional development workshop accepted for the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois.
- Keating, L. A., & Bartolec, I. (2017, August). Careers in the rough: A research development workshop. Organizer of this professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Heslin, P. A., Keating, L. A., & Minbashian, A. (2017, August). A mindset theory of career success. Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Keating, L. A., & Heslin, P. A. (2017, August). Sorting the wheat from the chaff: The role of mindsets in employee differentiation.Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Keating, L. A. (2016, August). Splitting hairs or forging ahead? Exploring the existence of differentiated mindsets. Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California.
- Keating, L. A. (2016, August). Careers in the rough: A research development workshop. Organizer of this professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California.
- Keating, L. A., & Latzke, M. (2016, August). Probing the antecedents and nature of career success. Co-chair of this symposium at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California.* Nominated for the Academy of Management Careers Division Best Symposium Award.
- Heslin, P. A., & Keating, L. A. (2016, February). How mindsets may derail (and enable) experiential leadership development. Paper presented at the Academy of Management's Second HR Division International Conference (HRIC), Sydney, Australia.
- Keating, L. A., & Heslin, P. A. (2015, August). Goal linking: A work motivational peril or imperative?Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Keating, L. A., & Heslin, P. A. (2015, August). The potential role of mindsets in unleashing employee engagement.Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Heslin, P. A., & Keating, L. A. (2015, August). In learning mode? The role of mindsets in experiential leadership development.Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Keating, L. A. (2015, August). Careers in the rough: A research development workshop. Organizer of this professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Heslin, P. A., & Keating, L. A. (2014, August). Stuck in the muck? The role of mindsets in self-control when stymied during job search. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Keating, L. A. (2014, August). Careers in the rough: A research development workshop. Organizer of this professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Heslin, P. A., & Keating, L. A. (2013, August). How mindsets set the stage for career success. Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida.