Professeur assistant

Centre de recherche : Cognition, Behaviour, and Transformation Research Center

Ph.D. Organisation et Management

Law, Management & Social Sciences

Thèmes de recherche

1. Mindsets

2. Leadership et développement personnel

3. Développement de carrière et succès

4. Personnalité

5. Recherche d'emploi et chômage

Prix et récompenses

Bourse de recherche
“Le rôle d'être en mode d'apprentissage pour relever les défis organisationnels d'adaptation”
Bourse de recherche
"Prédicteurs potentiels de l'adaptabilité et de la réussite académique des étudiants en médecine" – Bourse de recherche
Ph.D. bourse de stage
Pour l'excellence en recherche, UNSW Sydney



  • Academy of Management (représentant de la division des carrières, 2016 - 2019)

Communications et Séminaires

  • Bartolec, I., & Keating, L. A. (2018, August). Careers in the rough: A research development workshop. Organizer of this professional development workshop accepted for the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Keating, L. A., & Bartolec, I. (2017, August). Careers in the rough: A research development workshop. Organizer of this professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Heslin, P. A., Keating, L. A., & Minbashian, A. (2017, August). A mindset theory of career success. Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Keating, L. A., & Heslin, P. A. (2017, August). Sorting the wheat from the chaff: The role of mindsets in employee differentiation.Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia.
  • Keating, L. A. (2016, August). Splitting hairs or forging ahead? Exploring the existence of differentiated mindsets. Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California.
  • Keating, L. A. (2016, August). Careers in the rough: A research development workshop. Organizer of this professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California.
  • Keating, L. A., & Latzke, M. (2016, August). Probing the antecedents and nature of career success. Co-chair of this symposium at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, California.* Nominated for the Academy of Management Careers Division Best Symposium Award.
  • Heslin, P. A., & Keating, L. A. (2016, February). How mindsets may derail (and enable) experiential leadership development. Paper presented at the Academy of Management's Second HR Division International Conference (HRIC), Sydney, Australia.
  • Keating, L. A., & Heslin, P. A. (2015, August). Goal linking: A work motivational peril or imperative?Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Keating, L. A., & Heslin, P. A. (2015, August). The potential role of mindsets in unleashing employee engagement.Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Heslin, P. A., & Keating, L. A. (2015, August). In learning mode? The role of mindsets in experiential leadership development.Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Keating, L. A. (2015, August). Careers in the rough: A research development workshop. Organizer of this professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • Heslin, P. A., & Keating, L. A. (2014, August). Stuck in the muck? The role of mindsets in self-control when stymied during job search. Symposium paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Keating, L. A. (2014, August). Careers in the rough: A research development workshop. Organizer of this professional development workshop at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Heslin, P. A., & Keating, L. A. (2013, August). How mindsets set the stage for career success. Paper presented in a divisional paper session at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida.