Karthikeya BAJPAI
Professeur assistant
Prix et récompenses
Bajpai, Kartikeya, Larson, Janelle B, Mehta, Khanjan. 2013. Like a hustler: aligning intervention design with informal labor practices . 6th, Cape Town, South Africa, December 7-10, 2013. New York : ACM Association for Computing Machinery, 177-184 p. 177-184 p.
Bajpai, Kartikeya, Jaiswal, Anuj. 2011. A Framework for Analyzing Collective Action Events on Twitter. 8th, Lisbon, Portugal, May 8th, 2011-May 11th, 2011. ISCRAM, Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 10 p. 10 p.
Tapia, Andrea H., Bajpai, Kartikeya, Jansen, Bernard J., Yen, John, Giles, Lee. 2011. Seeking the trustworthy tweet: Can microblogged data fit the information needs of disaster response and humanitarian relief organizations . 8th, Lisbon, Portugal, May 8th, 2011-May 11th, 2011. ISCRAM, Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 10 p. 10 p.
Communications de conférences
Hirsch, Paul M., Bajpai, Kartikeya. 2018. Afterword: The Creative Industries - Arts and Materiality Redux. In Jones, Candace, Maoret, Massimo, Frontiers of Creative Industries: Exploring Structural and Categorical Dynamics. Emerald, 271-281 p.
Bajpai, Kartikeya, Weber, Klaus. 2017. Privacy in Public: Translating the Category of Privacy to the Digital Age. In Durand, Rodolphe, Granqvist, Nina, Tyllström, Anna, From Categories to Categorization: Studies in Sociology, Organizations and Strategy at the Crossroads. Emerald Publishing, 223-258 p.
Chapitres d'ouvrages
- Academy of Management
- American Sociological Association
- Strategic Management Society
Communications et Séminaires
- Distances in Organizations workshop, 2018, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, “Examining the Mediating Role of Cultural Fit in the Aftermath of a Stigmatizing, Organizational Event”
- DARPA Annual Review- Multi-disciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI), 2018, University of California, Santa Barbara, “Examining the Mediating Role of Cultural Fit in the Aftermath of a Stigmatizing, Organizational Event”
- New Economy pre-conference, ASA Economic Sociology Section, 2017, Montreal, Canada, “Cross-National Variation in Occupational Prestige”
- Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, “Cross-National Variation in Occupational Prestige”,
- Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Berkeley, California, 2016, “Privacy in Public: Negotiating the Category of Privacy in the Digital Age”
- European Group for Organizational Studies, 2015, Athens, Greece, “The Continual Emergence of the Privacy Category in the United States & France”
- European Group for Organizational Studies, 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands, “The Public on The Private: Examining the Emergence of the Strategic Action Field of the Privacy Movement”
- Bajpai, K., Larson, J. B., & Mehta, K.. “Like a hustler: Aligning intervention design with informal labor practices”. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2013): Full Papers-Volume 1 (pp. 177-184). ACM.
- Bajpai,K., Maldonado, E., Ngamassi, L.M., Tapia, A., Maitland, C., "NGO Collaborations: Sharing and Pooling projects", iConference 2011, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Bajpai, K. and Jaiswal, A., “A Framework for Analyzing Collective Action Events on Twitter”, International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management 2011, Lisbon, Portugal
- Tapia, A., Bajpai, K., Jansen, B., Yen, J., Giles, L., “Seeking the Trustworthy Tweet: Can Microblogged Data Fit the Information Needs of Disaster Response and Humanitarian Relief Organizations”, International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal
- Ngamassi, L.M., Tapia, A., Maitland, C., Bajpai, K., “Humanitarian Organizational Collaboration: Information Technologies as Necessary but Not Sufficient”, ISCRAM2011, International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal
- Ngamassi, L.M., Maitland, C., Zhao, K., Tapia, A., Bajpai,K., "Crossing Borders, Organizations, Levels and Technologies: IS Collaboration in Humanitarian Relief", Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2010, Lima, Peru
- Ngamassi, L., Maitland, C., Tapia, A., Zhao, K., and Bajpai, K., “Assessing Humanitarian InterOrganizational Network Effectiveness: The Case of the UNOCHA Global Symposium”. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 2010, Seattle Washington USA
Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, CA, August 2018
“Examining the Relationship Between Expert Work and External Audiences: Interactions at
the Interface