Professeur niveau 2 - Doyen Associé à la Recherche
Thèmes de recherche
1. Localisation des filiales de multinationales
2. Approches institutionnelles et stratégies
3. Rôle des régions dans les stratégies des multinationales
4. Semiglobalisation
5. Performance des firmes, avantages concurrentiels et rôle des ressources
6. Modèles d'analyse multiniveaux
7. Stratégies des firmes familiales
Lawton, Thomas, Angwin, Duncan, Dattée, Brice, Arregle, Jean-Luc, Barbieri, Paolo. 2024. Autonomy as a Strategic Dial: A Dynamic Framework for Managing Acquired Subsidiaries. California Management Review, 66 (3) : 47-68 p.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Calabrò, Andrea, Hitt, Michael A., Kano, Liena, Schwens, Christian. 2024. Family business and international business: Breaking silos and establishing a rigorous way forward. Journal of World Business, 59 (3) : 11 p.
Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro, Duran, Patricio, Arregle, Jean-Luc, Van Essen, Marc. 2023. Host Country Politics and Internationalization: A Meta-Analytic Review. Journal of Management Studies, 60 (1) : 204-241 p.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Dattée, Brice, Hitt, Michael A, Bergh, Donald. 2023. Organizational Autonomy: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Journal of Management, 49 (1) : 85-124 p.
Dattée, Brice, Arregle, Jean-Luc, Barbieri, Paolo, Lawton, Thomas C., Angwin, Duncan. 2022. The Dynamics of Organizational Autonomy: Oscillations at Automobili Lamborghini. Administrative Science Quarterly, 67 (3) : 721-768 p.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Chirico, Francesco, Kano, Liena, Kundu, Sumit K., Majocchi, Antonio, Schulze, William S. 2021. Family firm internationalization: Past research and an agenda for the future. Journal of International Business Studies, 52 (6) : 1159-1198 p.
Hitt, Michael A., Holmes Jr., R. Michael, Arregle, Jean-Luc. 2021. The (COVID-19) Pandemic and the New World (Dis)Order. Journal of World Business, 56 (4) : 7 p.
Hitt, Michael A., Arregle, Jean-Luc, Holmes Jr., R. Michael. 2021. Strategic Management Theory in a Post-Pandemic and Non-Ergodic World. Journal of Management Studies, 58 (1) : 257-262 p.
Ahlstrom, David, Arregle, Jean-Luc, Hitt, Michael A., Qian, Gongming, Ma, Xufei, Faems, Dries. 2020. Managing Technological, Sociopolitical, and Institutional Change in the New Normal. Journal of Management Studies, 57 (3) : 411-437 p.
Batjargal, Bat, Webb, Justin W., Tsui, Anne S., Arregle, Jean-Luc, Hitt, Michael A., Miller, Toyah L. 2019. The moderating influence of national culture on female and male entrepreneurs’ social network size and new venture growth. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 26 (4) : 490-521 p.
Silberzahn, Chittima, Arregle, Jean-Luc. 2019. The career-horizon problem in capital investments for lone-founder and long-tenure acquirer CEOs in their final career stage. Strategic Organization, 17 (3) : 334-362 p.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Hitt, Michael A., Mari, Isabelle. 2019. A missing link in family firms’ internationalization research: Family structures. Journal of International Business Studies, 50 (5) : 809-825 p.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Miller, Toyah L., Hitt, Michael A., Beamish, Paul W. 2018. The role of MNEs’ internationalization patterns in their regional integration of FDI locations. Journal of World Business, 53 (6) : 896-910 p.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Duran, Patricio, Hitt, Michael A., Van Essen, Marc. 2017. Why Is Family Firms' Internationalization Unique?: A Meta-Analysis. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 41 (5) : 801-831 p.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Miller, Toyah L., Hitt, Michael A., Beamish, Paul W. 2016. How does Regional Institutional Complexity Affect MNE Internationalization?. Journal of International Business Studies, 47 (6) : 697–722 p.
Marano, Valentina, Arregle, Jean-Luc, Hitt, Michael A., Spadafora, Ettore, Van Essen, Marc. 2016. Home Country Institutions and the Internationalization-Performance Relationship: A Meta-Analytic Review. Journal of Management, 42 (5) : 1075-1110 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Batjargal, Bat, Hitt, Michael A., Webb, Justin W., Miller, Toyah L., Tsui, Anne S. 2015. Family Ties in Entrepreneurs' Social Networks and New Venture Growth. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 39 (2) : 313-344 P.
Batjargal, Bat, Hitt, Michael A., Tsui, Anne S., Arregle, Jean-Luc, Webb, Justin W., Miller, Toyah L. 2013. Institutional Polycentrism, Entrepreneurs' Social Networks, and New Venture Growth. Academy of Management Journal, 56 (4) : 1024-1049 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, MILLER, Toyah, Hitt, Michael A., Beamish, Paul W., Miller, Toyah L. 2013. Do regions matter?: an integrated institutional and semiglobalisation perspective on the internationalization of MNEs. Strategic Management Journal, 34 (8) : 910-934 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Nordqvist, Mattias, NALDI, Lucia, HITT, M.A., Hitt, Michael A. 2012. Internationalization of Family-Controlled Firms: A Study of the Effects of External Involvement in Governance. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 36 (6) : 1115-1143 P.
Peterson, Mark F., Arregle, Jean-Luc, Martin, Xavier. 2012. Multilevel Models in International Business Research. Journal of International Business Studies, 43 (5) : 451-457 P.
Sirmon, David G., Hitt, Michael A., Arregle, Jean-Luc, Tochman Campbell, Joanna. 2010. The Dynamic Interplay of Capability Strengths and Weaknesses: Investigating the Bases of Temporary Competitive Advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 31 (13) : 1386-1409 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Mari, Isabelle. 2010. Avantages ou désavantages des entreprises familiales ?. Revue Française de Gestion, 36 (200) : 87-109 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Powell, Thomas C. 2009. Pour une approche plus équilibrée du succès des entreprises. Revue Française de Gestion, 35 (196) : 147-165 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Beamish, Paul W., Hébert, Louis. 2009. The Regional Dimension of MNE's Foreign Subsidiary Localization. Journal of International Business Studies, 40 (1) : 86-107 P.
Sirmon, David G., Arregle, Jean-Luc, Hitt, Michael A., Webb, Justin W. 2008. The Role of Family Influence in Firms' Strategic Responses To Threat of Imitation. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 32 (6) : 979-998 P.
Powell, Thomas C., Arregle, Jean-Luc. 2007. Firm Performance and the Axis of Errors. Journal of Management Research, 7 (2) : 59-77 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Hitt, Michael A., Sirmon, David G., Véry, Philippe. 2007. The Development of Organizational Social Capital: Attributes of Family Firms. Journal of Management Studies, 44 (1) : 73-95 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Hébert, Louis, Beamish, Paul W. 2006. Mode of International Entry: The Advantages of Multilevel Methods. Management International Review, 46 (5) : 597-618 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc. 2006. Analyse "Resource Based" et identification des actifs stratégiques. Revue Française de Gestion, 32 (160) : 241-259 P.
Ulaga, Wolfgang, Arregle, Jean-Luc, EGGERT, Andreas. 2005. The Dynamic Nature of Value in Business Markets: New Versus Ongoing Supplier Relationships. Finanza Marketing e Produzione, 3 : 145-152 P.
Durand, Rodolphe, Véry, Philippe, Arrègle, Régis, Arregle, Jean-Luc. 2004. Origines du capital social et avantages concurrentiels des firmes familiales. M@n@gement, 7 (1) : 13-36 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc. 2003. Les modèles linéaires hiérarchiques: 1.- principes et illustration. M@n@gement, 6 (1) : 1-28 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Dacin, Tina, Hitt, Michael A., Borza, Anca. 2003. Les modèles de sélection des partenaires dans le cadre d'une alliance internationale: perspectives de France et d'Europe centrale. Management International, 7 (2) : 1-18 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Ulaga, Wolfgang. 2003. Les modèles linéaires hiérarchiques: 2. une méthode privilégiée d'analyse des données collectées par policy capturing. M@n@gement, 6 (1) : 29-48 P.
Hitt, Michael A., Dacin, Tina, Levitas, Edward, Arregle, Jean-Luc, Borza, Anca. 2000. Partner Selection in Emerging and Developed Market Contexts: Resource-Based and Organizational Learning Perspectives. Academy of Management Journal, 43 (3) : 449-467 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, AMBURGEY, Terry, Dacin, Tina. 1998. Le rôle des capacités organisationnelles dans le développement des réseaux d'entreprises: une application aux alliances. Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 1 (1) : 7-28 P.
Calori, Roland, Véry, Philippe, Arregle, Jean-Luc. 1997. Les PMI face à la planification stratégique. Revue Française de Gestion, 112 : 11-23 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc. 1995. Le savoir et l’approche Resource Based: une ressource et une competence. Revue Française de Gestion, 105 : 84-94 P.
Articles académiques
Dattée, Brice, Barbieri, Paolo, Arregle, Jean-Luc, Lawton, Thomas, Angwin, Duncan. 2018. Regaining Autonomy in Post-Acquisition: Resource Orchestration and Identity Resurgence at Automobili Lamborghini. 38, Paris, September 22-25, 2018. SMS, Strategic Management Society
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Miller, Toyah L., Hitt, Michael A., Beamish, Paul W. 2014. MNEs' Semiglobalization: A Firm-Level Contingency Analysis . 56th, Vancouver, Canada, June 24-26, 2014. Academy of international business
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Miller, Toyah L., Hitt, Michael A., Beamish, Paul W. 2013. The Institutional Diversity of Regions and MNEs' Internationalization. 55th, Istanbul, Turkey, July 3-6, 2013. Academy of international business
Arregle, Jean-Luc, AGUILERA, Ruth, FLORES, Ricardo, Hébert, Louis, MAKINO, Shige, OSEGOWITSCH, Tom, SAMMARTINO, André. 2011. Regions in a Semi-globalized World: Opportunities and Challenges for International Business Research .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, NALDI, Lucia, Nordqvist, Mattias, Hitt, Michael A. 2011. The Internationalization of Family-controlled Firms: The Effects of External Involvement in Governance .
Sirmon, David G., Arregle, Jean-Luc. 2010. Family Involvement and Strategic Difference in Family Firms: Exploring the Effects of Ownership Dispersion Among the Family .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Batjargal, Bat, Tsui, Anne S., Hitt, Michael A., Webb, Justin W., MILLER, Toyah, Miller, Toyah L. 2010. Family Ties in Entrepreneurs' Social Networks and New Venture Success: Handle with Care . 70, Montréal, August 6-10, 2010.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, MILLER, Toyah, Hitt, Michael A., Beamish, Paul W., Miller, Toyah L. 2009. Institutional environment and MNEs' strategic foreign investment location decisions: A semi-globalization approach . 69, Chicago, 7-11 August 2009.
Batjargal, Bat, Hitt, Michael A., Webb, Justin W., Arregle, Jean-Luc, MILLER, Toyah, Miller, Toyah L. 2009. Women and Men Entrepreneurs' Social Networks and New Venture Success Across Cultures. 69, Chicago, 7-11 August 2009. , 6 P. 6 P.
MILLER, Toyah, Miller, Toyah L., Webb, Justin W., Batjargal, Bat, Hitt, Michael A., Arregle, Jean-Luc, Tsui, Anne S. 2008. Institutions and Entrepreneurial Networks: A Cross-National Study of Network Content and Structure . 68, Anaheim, California, August 8-13, 2008.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Mari, Isabelle, PETIT, Valérie. 2008. Managerial legitimacy of top executives: A way to reconsider executive power in corporate governance? .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Beamish, Paul W., Hébert, Louis. 2008. The Regional Interdependence of FDI Activity.
HEIMERIKS, Koen H., ALMEIDA, Paul, Arregle, Jean-Luc, Martin, Xavier, PARKHE, Arvind. 2007. Emerging Issues in Multilevel Alliance Research.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Hitt, Michael A., Sirmon, David G. 2007. Bringing back weakness: Exploring how capabiliy strengths and weaknesses affect firm performance .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, GARY, S., LARSEN, Erik. 2006. Institutional & Strategic Determinants of Competitiveness: Wine Wars 1982-2004 .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Hébert, Louis, Beamish, Paul W. 2006. Assessing the Advantages of Multilevel Methods for Entry Mode Research.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, HALL, Annika, Mari, Isabelle, Melin, Leif, Nordqvist, Mattias, Véry, Philippe. 2005. Family Involvement in Strategy Processes as a Competitive Advantage: Evidence from European Family Firms .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, EGGERT, Andreas, Ulaga, Wolfgang. 2005. An Investigation of the Dynamic Nature of Value Creation in Business Relationships.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Hitt, Michael A., Sirmon, David G., Véry, Philippe. 2003. The Development of Organizational Social Capital and its Performance Implications: Insights from Family Firms .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Véry, Philippe. 2003. A Framework for Analyzing the Performance of Family firms.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Véry, Philippe, RAYTCHEVA, Stela. 2002. Capital social et avantages des firmes familiales: proposition d’un modèle intégrateur .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, ALSTHROM, Dave, Dacin, Tina, Hitt, Michael A., Levitas, Edward. 2001. Selection of Partners in International Joint Ventures: Perspectives from North America, Europe and Asia .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Ulaga, Wolfgang. 2000. Policy Capturing and Hierarchical Linear Models.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Dacin, Tina, Hitt, Michael A., Borza, Anca. 1998. The Institutional context of alliance partner selection: eastern and western European perspectives .
AMBURGEY, Terry, Arregle, Jean-Luc, Dacin, Tina. 1997. A Process Analysis of Strategic Alliance Formation.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Roux-dufort, Christophe. 1997. Technological Disruption and Organizational Learning: a Conceptual Framework .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, AMBURGEY, Terry, Dacin, Tina. 1996. Strategic Alliances and Firm Capabilities: Strategy and Structure .
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Véry, Philippe. 1994. The Dynamics of Competitive Advantage: An Empirical Investigation of French Industrial Firms .
COOL, Karel, Arregle, Jean-Luc. 1994. The Competitive Dynamics of French Manufacturing Industry.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Calori, Roland, Véry, Philippe. 1994. Some Determinants of Strategy Styles in French Small and Medium-Sized Businesses.
Communications de conférences
Quélin, Bertrand V., Arregle, Jean-Luc. 2000. Le management stratégique des compétences. Paris : Ellipses, 1 vol. (352 p.)
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Cauvin, Eric, Ghertman, Michel. 2000. Les nouvelles approches de la gestion des organisations. Paris : Economica, 1 vol. (258 p.)
Ghertman, Michel, Obadia, Jacques, Arregle, Jean-Luc. 1997. Statistical Models for Strategic Management. Kluwer Academics Press, 392 P.
Véry, Philippe, Arregle, Jean-Luc. 2012. Quelle croissance depuis ou avec Robert Paturel ?. In RICHOMME-HUET, Katia, GUIEU, Gilles, Paché, Gilles, La démarche stratégique : entreprendre et croître. Presses universitaires de Provence, 225-233 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Véry, Philippe, RAYTCHEVA, Stela. 2003. Capital social et avantages des firmes familiales: Proposition d’un modèle intégrateur. In LAROCHE, Hervé, Joffre, Patrick, Fréry, Frédéric, Perspectives en Management Stratégique. EMS, 37-61 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, LAROCHE, Hervé, BOIRAL, Olivier. 2002. Policy Capturing et modèles linéaires hiérarchiques: Une démarche de collecte et d’analyse des décisions managériales. In DOSTALER, Isabelle, LAROCHE, Hervé, BOIRAL, Olivier, BOIRAL, Olivier, Perspectives en Management Stratégique. EMS, 25 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, Quélin, Bertrand V. 2001. L’approche Resource Based. In Martinet, Alain Charles, Thietart, Raymond-Alain, Stratégies : actualité et futurs de la recherche. Vuibert, 273-288 P.
Durand, Rodolphe. 2000. Analyse des ressources de la performance des entreprises françaises. In Quélin, Bertrand V., Arregle, Jean-Luc, Le management stratégique des compétences. Paris : Ellipses, 83-125 P.
Quélin, Bertrand V., Arregle, Jean-Luc. 2000. L’approche Resource Based à la croisée des chemins. In Quélin, Bertrand V., Arregle, Jean-Luc, Le management stratégique des compétences. Paris : Ellipses, 19-53 P.
Arregle, Jean-Luc, AMBURGEY, Terry, Dacin, Tina. 1997. Event Count Analysis and Strategic Management. In Ghertman, Michel, Obadia, Jacques, Arregle, Jean-Luc, Statistical Models for Strategic Management. Kluwer Academics Press, 331-344 P.
Véry, Philippe, Arregle, Jean-Luc. 1996. Combinaison de ressources et avantage concurrentiel. In NOEL, Alain, Koenig, Christian, Koenig, Gérard, Perspectives en Management Stratégique. Economica, 225-246 P.