Guillaume DUMONT
Professeur Associé
Centre de recherche : OCE
Thèmes de recherche
1. Exclusion sociale
2. Inégalités digitales
3. Organisations illégales
4. Entrepreneurial à impact
Prix et récompenses
Dumont, Guillaume. 2024. Evaluating the Credibility of Entrepreneurs’ Impact Promises in Early-Stage Impact Investing. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 48 (6) : 1525-1555 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2024. “Under threat”: Handling threats during ethnographic fieldwork. Qualitative Research, 24 (4) : 1086-1094 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2024. Fulfilling the process promise in new venture creation research: The ethnography/accelerator approach. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 18 (2) : 335-357 p.
Mascena Barbosa, Alice, Dumont, Guillaume. 2024. A New Understanding of the Role of Self-oriented Motivations in the Creation of Social Enterprises. Journal of Business Ethics, 191 (3) : 591-609 p.
Dumont, Guillaume, De Marco, Stefano, Heslper, Ellen. 2024. Online job search discouragement: How employment platforms and digital exclusion shape the experience of low-qualified job seekers?. New Technology, Work and Employment, 39 (1) : 89-108 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2024. The Janus Face of Organizational Knowing. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 53 (1) : 127-150 p.
De Marco, Stefano, Dumont, Guillaume, Helsper, Ellen Johanna, Díaz-Guerra, Alejandro, Antino, Mirko, Rodríguez-Muñoz, Alfredo, Martínez-Cantos, José-Luis. 2023. Jobless and Burnt Out: Digital Inequality and Online Access to the Labor Market. Social Inclusion, 11 (4) : 184-197 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2023. Immersion in Organizational Ethnography: Four Methodological Requirements to Immerse Oneself in the Field. Organizational Research Methods, 26 (3) : 441-458 p.
Clua Garcia, Rafael, Dumont, Guillaume. 2022. From the street to the drug consumption room: Injected drug use across consumption environments. Ethnography, FORTH
Dumont, Guillaume, Ots, Mart. 2020. Social dynamics and stakeholder relationships in personal branding. Journal of Business Research, 106 : 118-128 p.
Thorpe, Holly, Dumont, Guillaume. 2019. The professionalization of action sports: mapping trends and future directions. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics, 22 (10) : 1639-1654 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2018. The labor of reputation building: Creating, developing and managing individual reputation. Consumption Markets and Culture, 21 (6) : 515-531 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2018. Creativity at work: the production of work for sale by brand ambassadors. Journal of Cultural Economy, 11 (1) : 69-82 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2017. The Beautiful and the Damned: The Work of New Media Production in Professional Rock Climbing. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 41 (2) : 99-117 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2016. Multi-layered labor: Entrepreneurship and professional versatility in rock climbing. Ethnography, 17 (4) : 440-459 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2016. Le travail réputationnel: Une approche ethnographique du travail de production de la réputation chez les grimpeurs professionnels. Réseaux, 199 : 155-182 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2016. Understanding ethnographically athletes’ perception and experience of sponsorship: the case of professional rock-climbing. European Sport Management Quarterly, 16 (4) : 525-542 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2016. Aesthetics of attachments: Reflexive insights on taste construction in climbing. European Journal for Sport and Society, 11 (4) : 371-387 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2015. Co‐creation and New Media: The Entrepreneurial Work of Climbing Photographers in Digital Times. Anthropology of Work Review, 36 (1) : 26-36 p.
Dumont, Guillaume, Clua Garcia, Rafael. 2015. Acercamiento socio-antropológico al concepto de estilo de vida= Toward a socio-anthropological perspective on the concept of lifestyle. Aposta: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 66 : 83-99 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2014. Entre mobilité, virtualité et professionnalisation: éléments méthodologiques et conditions de réalisation d’une ethnographie des grimpeurs professionnels. Recherches Qualitatives, 33 (1) : 188-210 p.
Articles académiques
Dumont, Guillaume. 2024. Impact work: an ethnographic journey into the making of impact entrepreneurship. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 1 vol. (193 p.)
, Dumont, Guillaume, Thorpe, Holly. 2022. The Professionalization of Action Sports: The Changing Roles of Athletes, Industry and Media. Paris : Routledge, 144 p.
Dumont, Guillaume, Menger, Pierre-Michel. 2018. Grimpeur professionnel: le travail créateur sur le marché du sponsoring. Paris : Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 256 p.
Thorpe, Holly, Dumont, Guillaume. 2022. Sport, Lifestyle, and Alternate Pathways. In Wenner, Lawrence A., The Oxford Handbook of Sport and Society. Oxford : Oxford University Press
Thorpe, Holly, Dumont, Guillaume. 2022. The professionalization of action sports: mapping trends and future directions. In Dumont, Guillaume, Thorpe, Holly, The Professionalization of Action Sports: The Changing Roles of Athletes, Industry and Media. Paris : Routledge
Dumont, Guillaume. 2021. The Working Lives of Professional Rock Climbers: An Ethnographic Exploration of Multilayered Labor. In Dupont, Tyler, Beal, Becky, Lifestyle Sports and Identities Subcultural Careers Through the Life Course. Routledge, 16 p.
Dumont, Guillaume. 2016. Relational labor, fans and collaborations in professional rock climbing. In Hjorth, Larissa, Horst, Heather, Galloway, Anne, Bell, Genevieve, The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography. London : Routledge