Professeur niveau 1
Thèmes de recherche
1. Institutionnalisation et légitimation de pratiques et organisations émergentes
2. Mobilité entrepreneuriale
3. Politiques publiques en soutien de l'entrepreneuriat
4. Innovations culturelles
5. Analyse historique
Prix et récompenses
David, Robert J., Jones, Candace, Croidieu, Grégoire. 2023. Putting categories in their place: A research agenda for theorizing place in category research. Strategic Organization, 21 (1) : 6-22 p.
Pietronudo, Maria Cristina, Croidieu, Grégoire, Schiavone, Francesco. 2022. A solution looking for problems?: A systematic literature review of the rationalizing influence of artificial intelligence on decision-making in innovation management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 182 : 19 p.
Moser, Christine, Reinecke, Juliane, den Hond, Frank, Svejenova, Silviya, Croidieu, Grégoire. 2021. Biomateriality and Organizing: Towards an Organizational Perspective on Food. Organization Studies, 42 (2) : 175-193 p.
Buffart, Mickaël, Croidieu, Grégoire, Kim, Phillip H., Bowman, Ray. 2020. Even winners need to learn: How government entrepreneurship programs can support innovative ventures. Research Policy, 49 (10)
Croidieu, Grégoire, Kim, Phillip H. 2018. Labor of Love: Amateurs and Lay-Expertise Legitimation in the Early U.S. Radio Field. Administrative Science Quarterly, 63 (1) : 1-42 p.
Croidieu, Grégoire, Soppe, Birthe, Powell, Walter W. 2017. Cru, glue and status: How wine labels helped ennoble Bordeaux. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 54B : 37-69 p.
Croidieu, Grégoire, Rüling, Charles-Clemens, Bilal A., Jathol. 2017. Complex field-positions and non-Imitation: Pioneers, strangers, and insulars in Australian fine-wine. M@n@gement, 20 (2) : 129-165 p.
Kim, Phillip H., Buffart, Mickaël, Croidieu, Grégoire. 2016. TMI: Signaling credible claims in crowdfunding campaign narratives. Group and Organization Management, 41 (6) : 717-750 p.
Kim, Phillip H., Croidieu, Grégoire, Lippmann, Stephen. 2016. Responding from that Vantage Point: Field Position and Discursive Strategies of Legitimation in the U.S. Wireless Telegraphy Field. Organization Studies, 37 (10) : 1417-1450 p.
Kim, Phillip H., Wennberg, Karl, Croidieu, Grégoire. 2016. Untapped Riches of Meso-Level Applications in Multilevel Entrepreneurship Mechanisms. Academy of Management Perspectives, 30 (3) : 273-291 p.
Croidieu, Grégoire, Rüling, Charles-Clemens, Boutinot, Amélie. 2016. How do creative genres emerge?: The case of the Australian wine industry. Journal of Business Research, 69 (7) : 2334-2342 p.
Svejenova, Silviya, Croidieu, Grégoire, Meyer, Renate E. 2013. Welcome to the Hotel California: Strangers and Hospitable Organizations. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, 15 (4) : 68-90 p.
Monin, Philippe, Croidieu, Grégoire. 2012. Les stratégies de légitimation des organisations renégates. M@n@gement, 15 (3) : 254-263 P.
Monin, Philippe, Croidieu, Grégoire. 2012. The legitimating strategies of renegade organizations. M@n@gement, 15 (3) : 254-263 P.
Croidieu, Grégoire, Monin, Philippe. 2011. Châteaux contre garages: Mouvements sociaux et identités collectives à Saint-Émilion. Revue Française de Gestion, 37 (217) : 93-116 P.
Articles académiques
Buffart, Mickaël, Ivvonen, Liudmila, Croidieu, Grégoire, Bromley, Patricia. 2020. When Institutional Factors Matter Most: Cross-National Variation in Disaster Risk Reduction Planning . 80th, Virtual, 7 - 11 August 2020. Academy of Management, 7 p. 7 p.
Communications de conférences
Croidieu, Grégoire, Powell, Walter W. 2024. Organizations as Carriers of Status and Class Dynamics: A Historical Ethnography of the Emergence of Bordeaux’s Cork Aristocracy. In Clegg, Stewart, Grothe-Hammer, Michael, Serrano Velarde, Kathia, Sociological Thinking in Contemporary Organizational Scholarship. Leeds : Emerald, 141-173 p.
Croidieu, Grégoire. 2022. 50 ans d'entrepreneuriat à emlyon= 50 years of entrepreneurship at emlyon. emlyon Recherche et Pédagogie, récits croisés. Ecully : emlyon business school, 88-97 p.
Anand, Narasimhan, Croidieu, Grégoire. 2015. Niches, Genres, and Classifications in the Creative Industries. In Jones, Candace, Lorenzen, Mark, Sapsed, Jonathan, The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. Oxford : Oxford University Press
Croidieu, Grégoire. 2011. An inconvenient truce: Cultural domination and contention after the 1855 Médoc wine classification event. In Moeran, Brian, Strandgaard Pedersen, Jesper, Negotiating Values in the Creative Industries: Fairs, Festivals and Competitive Events. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 294-320 p.
Croidieu, Grégoire, Monin, Philippe. 2010. Why effective entrepreneurial innovations sometimes fail to diffuse: identity-based interpretations of appropriateness in the Saint-Emilion, Languedoc, Piedmont and Golan Heights wine regions. In Sine, Wesley D., David, Robert J., Institutions and Entrepreneurship (Research in the Sociology of Work, Vol. 21). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 287-328 P.
Chapitres d'ouvrages
Croidieu, Grégoire. 2021. How Novelty Sticks: An Evolutionary Perspective. Habilitation à diriger des recherches ès Sciences de gestion, Université Paris Dauphine.
Croidieu, Grégoire. 2009. Expliquer les mécanismes de la persistance institutionnelle: trois essais dans le secteur viti-vinicole. Thèse de doctorat ès Sciences de gestion, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. 307p.
- AoM (OMT et ENT divisions)