Frédéric DELMAR
Professeur niveau 2
Thèmes de recherche
1. New Venture Team Dynamics
2. New Venture Process
3. New Venture Growth
Prix et récompenses
Delmar, Frédéric, Wallin, Jonas, Nofal, Ahmed Maged. 2022. Modeling new-firm growth and survival with panel data using event magnitude regression. Journal of Business Venturing, 37 (5) : 19 p.
Fu, Yingzhu, Tietz, Matthias A., Delmar, Frédéric. 2022. Obsessive passion and the venture team: When co-founders join, and when they don't. Journal of Business Venturing, 37 (4)
Minniti, Maria, Andersson, Martin, Braunerhjelm, Pontus, Delmar, Frédéric, Rickne, Annika, Thorburn, Karin, Wennberg, Karl, Stenkula, Mikael. 2019. Boyan Jovanovic: recipient of the 2019 Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research. Small Business Economics, 53 (3) : 547-553 p.
Andersson, Martin, Braunerhjelm, Pontus, Delmar, Frédéric, Rickne, Annika, Stenkula, Mikael, Thorburn, Karin, Wennberg, Karl. 2019. Konkurrens, selektion och entreprenöriellt lärande – Global Award for Entrepreneurship Research 2019 till Boyan Jovanovic. Ekonomisk Debatt, 47 (5) : 6-16 p.
Fattoum, Asma, Delmar, Frédéric, Wright, Mike. 2018. The best of both worlds: Can founder-CEOs overcome the rich versus king dilemma after IPO?. Strategic Management Journal, 39 (13) : 3382-3407 p.
Guedri, Zied, Fattoum, Asma, Fattoum, Asma, Delmar, Frédéric, Guedri, Zied. 2018. Multiple Blockholder Structures and Family Firm Performance. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 42 (2) : 231-251 p.
Byrne, Janice, Delmar, Frédéric, Fayolle, Alain, Lamine, Wadid. 2016. Training corporate entrepreneurs: an action learning approach. Small Business Economics, 47 (2) : 479-506 p.
Delmar, Frédéric, Wennberg, Karl, Hellerstedt, Karin. 2011. Endogenous growth through knowledge spillovers in entrepreneurship: an empirical test. Strategic entrepreneurship journal, 5 (3) : 199-226 p.
Folta, Timothy, Delmar, Frédéric, Wennberg, Karl. 2010. Hybrid entrepreneurship. Management Science, 56 (2) : 253-269 p.
Delmar, Frédéric, Wiklund, Johan. 2008. The Effect of Small Business Managers’ Growth Motivation on Firm Growth: A Longitudinal Study. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 32 (3) : 437-457 P.
Delmar, Frédéric, Shane, Scott. 2006. Does Experience Matter?: The Effect of Founding Team Experience on the Survival and Sales of Newly Founded Ventures. Strategic Organization, 4 (3) : 215-247 p.
Eckhardt, Jonathan T., Shane, Scott, Delmar, Frédéric. 2006. MultiStage selection and the financing of new ventures. Management Science, 52 (2) : 220-232 p.
Articles académiques
Brattström, Anna, Delmar, Frédéric. 2019. Entrepreneurship as Teamwork: A Definition and Research Agenda . 79, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 9-13, 2019. Academy of Management
Cao, Xian, Delmar, Frédéric. 2019. The Relative Financial Payoffs to Entrepreneurial Experience. 79, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 9-13, 2019. Academy of Management
Cao, Xian, Delmar, Frédéric, Zhu, Ruoqing. 2019. Analyzing Big Data in Management: Re-Visiting the Entrepreneurial Entry Problem . 79, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 9-13, 2019. Academy of Management
Fu, Yingzhu, Delmar, Frédéric, Tietz, Matthias A. 2019. The Founder’s Obsessive Passion and Co-founders’ Decision to (Not) Join the Team. 39th, Wellesley, Massachusetts, June 5-8, 2019. Babson College
Witte, Frederik, Delmar, Frédéric, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo. 2014. Occupations and Self-Employment Entry: A Multilevel Approach . 74th, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 1-5, 2014. AOM, Academy of Management
Fattoum, Asma, Delmar, Frédéric. 2012. Keeping control in newly public firms: Implications on performance, capital structure and dividend policy . 32nd, Prague, Czech Republic, October 6-9, 2012. SMS, Strategic Management Society
Fattoum, Asma, Delmar, Frédéric. 2012. Founder status, defensive mechanisms and underpricing at the IPO. 32nd, Fort Worth,Texas, USA., June 6-9, 2012. Babson College
Farias, Carine, Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo, Delmar, Frédéric. 2011. Do different motivations lead to different forms of entrepreneurship?: The impact of external, introjected, and autonomous motivation . 25th, Bödö, Norway, November 16-18, 2011. EIASM, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
Fattoum, Asma, Delmar, Frédéric. 2011. Rich vs. King dilemma: The effect of founders’ psychological ownership on firm governance and underpricing at IPO . 25th, Bödö, Norway, November 16-18, 2011. EIASM, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
Fattoum, Asma, Delmar, Frédéric. 2011. The impact of separating voting and cash-flow rights on French IPO valuation: A principal agent perspective .
Johnson, Alan R., Delmar, Frédéric. 2008. New Venture Teams' Creativity and Performance: A Debate and Conflict Perspective .
Lassas-Clerc, Narjisse, Delmar, Frédéric, Fayolle, Alain. 2008. Entrepreneurship education initiatives : does active learning really make difference?.
Delmar, Frédéric, Goujet, Regis. 2006. How do you react to entrepreneurship education?: An examination of the role of predispositions in an enactive mastery experience of entrepreneurship . , 54-76 P. 54-76 P.
Communications de conférences
Delmar, Frédéric, Wennberg, Karl. 2010. Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship: The Birth, Growth and Demise of Entrepreneurial Firms. Cheltenham : Northampton : Edward Elgar, 200 p.
Davidsson, Per, Delmar, Frédéric, Wiklund, Johan, Delmar, Frédéric, Wiklund, Johan. 2006. Entrepreneurship and the growth of firms. Cheltenham, UK : Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, 1 vol. (IX-226 p.)
Davidsson, Per, Delmar, Frédéric, Wiklund, Johan. 2006. Entrepreneurship and the growth of firms. Cheltenham : Northampton : Edward Elgar, 1 vol. (IX-226 p.)
Brattström, Anna, Delmar, Frédéric, Johnson, Alan R., Wennberg, Karl. 2020. A longitudinal project of new venture teamwork and outcomes. In Gartner, William B., Teague, Bruce T., Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Behavior, Practice and Process. Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, 309-334 p.
Blackburn, Robert, Welter, Friederike, Delmar, Frédéric, Fayolle, Alain. 2014. Introduction: Entrepreneurship and wealth creation for economies, organisations and people. In Blackburn, Robert, Delmar, Frédéric, Fayolle, Alain, Welter, Friederike, Entrepreneurship, People and Organisations: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar, 1-6 P.
Johnson, Alan R., Delmar, Frédéric. 2010. The Psychology of Entrepreneurs: A Self-regulation Perspective. In Landström, Hans, LOHRKE, Franz T., Lohrke, Franz T., Historical Foundations of Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar, 289-317 p.
Delmar, Frédéric, Ramus, Vincent. 2009. La stratégie de croissance des jeunes entreprises: Le rôle des capacités managériales. In Coster, Michel, Entrepreneuriat. Pearson Education, 187-205 P.
Delmar, Frédéric, Goujet, Regis. 2008. How do you react to entrepreneurship education?: An examination of the role of predispositions in an enactive mastery experience of entrepreneurship. In Landström, Hans, Crijns, Hans, Laveren, Eddy, Smallbone, David, Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Growth and Performance: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research. Edward Elgar, 54-76 p.
Delmar, Frédéric, Wennberg, Karl, Hellerstedt, Karin. 2006. The evolution of the firms created by self-employed among ten Swedish science and technology labor force between 1990-2000. In Christensen, Poul Rind, Poulfelt, Flemming, Managing Complexity and Change in SMEs. Edward Elgar, 69-102 p.