emlyon business school : école de commerce et de management / Faculté & Recherche / Faculté / Annuaire des professeurs / Constantin CIACHIR
Constantin CIACHIR
Professeur Associé
Thèmes de recherche
1. Échanges sociaux dans les relations d'emploi
2. Privatisation et dynamique organisationnelle
3. Subjectivité et discours organisationnel
4. Intelligence artificielle générative dans l'éducation
5. Innovations dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage en Gestion des Ressources Humaines
Prix et récompenses
Prix du professeur de l’année
Surrey Business School
- Membre de la British Higher Education Academy
- Membre agréé du Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
- Membre de la British Academy of Management
Communications et Séminaires
- 3/6 July 2023 EduLearn Conference (Palma, Spain)
Ciachir, C. (2023). To have or to be? An existentialist perspective on student personal tutoring and development. Presentation - 3/6 July 2022 EduLearn Conference (Palma, Spain)
Ciachir, C. & Holland, A. (2022). Match or mismatch? Lessons learnt from using third-party e-learning online platforms alongside existing virtual learning environment in the delivery of a first-year undergraduate course. Presentation. - 24/25 May 2022 CABS Conference (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
Adcroft, A., Ciachir, C. & Djebali, Z. (2022). Why am I doing all the work? Establishing some principles for student focused feedback. Presentation. - 13 Mar 2015 Preparing Future Academics Symposium (University of York)
Transform, compensate, or accommodate: Meeting ‘nouveau' student's expectations and needs. - 14/15 Jul 2014 White Rose Business and Management Doctoral Conference (TYMS)
Poster presentation; Awarded 2nd place in the poster competition - 30 Jun 2014 The CEGBI/CSWL/WRCEO Summer Conference (TYMS)
Employee ownership: incentive, entitlement, or gift? A discourse analysis on the perceived values, meanings, and objectives of employee share ownership. - 02 Apr 2014 Employee Ownership: Research and Practice Conference (TYMS)
Quick Report: Employee Ownership: Reward, entitlement, or gift?