Professeur niveau 1

Doctor of Laws (Legum Doctor)

Law, Management & Social Sciences

Responsable du Département Droit, Management et Sciences Sociales

Thèmes de recherche

1. Les pratiques anticoncurrentielles dans l'industrie pharmaceutique sur les marchés américain et européen



  • JurisDiversitas

Communications et Séminaires

  • Leniency programs: Incentives for companies to comply with Competition Law or not?, speech given for the Panel on Protective purposes of Antitrust law in an interconnected world – for what are we fighting today?, for the AIJI, Annual Antitrust Seminar – 3-5 October 2019, Antitrust Litigation in a Modern World: Competition Law as a Shield or a Sword?, program available on
  • Co-organisation du Workshop Droit & Politique de concurrence ‘‘IP & Competition Policy Law Worldwide” pour l'EM Lyon Business School et le Professeur Cyril Nourissat pour le Centre de Recherche de Droit International Privé (CREDIP) de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université Jean-Moulin – Lyon 3, le 5 juillet 2019 à l'EM-Lyon Les invités étaient Professor Yanbei MENG, Renmin University Faculty of Law, Professor Avinash Dadich Principal & Dean IFIM Law School , Bangalore, India, Maître de Conférence Emilie Dargaud Université Lyon II, membre du GATE, et les Professeurs d'économie Bruno Versaevel et Richard Ruble d'EM-Lyon, tous trois membres du GATE. A cette occasion Anne Tercinet a présenté un papier “Pay-for-delay Agreements within the EU”, complémentaire du papier présenté en collaboration par sa collègue Professor Meng.
  • Co-organisationpour EM Lyon Business School de la ConférenceDroit de la concurrence et propriété intellectuelle : quelques questions d'actualité,avec le Centre de Recherche de Droit International Privé (CREDIP) de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université Jean-Moulin – Lyon 3, en la personne de son Directeur Cyril Nourissat, le Centre Paul Roubier en la personne d'Edouard Treppoz, et le cabinet d'avocats FIDAL, à la Manufacture des Tabacs, Université LYON III-Jean Moulin le 4 juillet 2019. Les invités étaient Emilie Dargaud Maître de Conférence Université Lyon II, le Professeur-chercheur Bruno Versaevel et le Professeur Richard Ruble EM-Lyon Business School, tous trois membres du GATE, le Professeur Jean-Christophe Roda Université Jean Moulin- Lyon III et l'avocat Simon Hotte.
  • "The Roots of the Chinese Leniency Policy: A journey in time and space from the ancient Chinese legal institution of the Tzu-Shou or zì shǒu自首,to the US model",speech given for the 6th Annual Conference Juris Diversitas 2019 LAW, ROOTS & SPACE, 15-17 APRIL 2019 , Faculty of Law - North West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • Co-organisation pour l'EM-Lyon en collaboration avec le doyen de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université Lyon III, Frank Marmoz de la Juris-Diversitas 5th General Conference, FOOD & LAW, les 10-12 juillet 2017, et animation d'une table ronde avec le Président de JurisDiversitas Professor Olivier Moréteau et le juge Don BUCKINGHAM, CEO of the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute, vidéo en anglais et en français disponible sur le site de l'em-lyon ( ) et sur YouTube et présentation le 10 juillet 2017 d'un papier intitulé « L'application du droit de la concurrence à l'agriculture et au secteur de l'agroalimentaire en France »
  • « BRICS & Anticompetitive Practices : The Key Issues » Workshop Droit & Politique de concurrence co-organisé par la Faculté de Droit de l'Université Jean-Moulin – Lyon 3, en la personne du Professeur Cyril Nourissat pour le CREDIP, et l'EM Lyon Business School, en la personne d'Anne Tercinet, 7 juillet 2017. Les invités étaient le Professeur d'économie Georges de Nemeskeri-Kiss, le Professeur Alexandr Svetlicinii Macau University Faculty of Law, le Professeur Jose Gabriel Assis de Almeida 1, le Dr Avinash Dadhich. Direction du cahier publié à la Revue Lamy Concurrence 2017, N°64.
  • « L'équilibre entre Sanction & Réparation en Droit des Pratiques Anticoncurrentielles », Workshop Droit & Politique de concurrence co-organisé par la Faculté de Droit de l'Université Jean-Moulin – Lyon 3, en la personne du Professeur Cyril Nourissat soutenu par le CREDIP, et l'EM Lyon Business School, en la personne d'Anne Tercinet, 5 septembre 2014, Salle Boris Starck, Université LYON III-Jean Moulin. Les invités étaient les chercheurs Béatrice Espesson, maître de conférence, HDR, Université Saint Etienne, Emilie Dargaud Université Lyon II, membre du GATE, François Souty, Professeur Associé Université de La Rochelle, et les Professeurs d'économie Bruno Versaevel et Richard Ruble, membres du GATE.
  • "The Legal fonction : Expectations and Perception of CEOs", A conference organized by Anne Tercinet for EMLYON Business School, in cooperation with the French Association of In-house Lawyers, Rhone Alpes Group(AFJE), represented by Carole L'Excellent with participation of Christophe Curtelin, Director of the Legal Department of ARAYMOND Group, and Laurent LASSIAZ, CEO of JOA Group.EM Lyon, Lyon, November 14, 2013. Video of the roudtable, Chairman Anne Tercinet, available on
  • “Distribution Contracts & Internet Sales: Caselaw Evolutions and Remaining questions”, paper presented in French for the Bi-annualWorkshop on Law & Competition Policy Opus 3co-organised by Professor Cyril Nourissat for Jean-Moulin – Lyon 3 University, Law Faculty, and Dr Anne Tercinet for EM Lyon Business School, on :“E Commerce and Competition Law : recent developments”, EM Lyon Business School, July 5th 2013. Guests where Professor Danièle Bourcier, Director of a center of research of the French CNRS- University of Paris II, who presented a paper on “Le marchand et le non marchand dans l'économie numérique“, John Church, Associate Professor of Law, Louisiana State University, Law Center on the topic:« Antitrust enforcement of vertical restraints involving internet sales: the US perspective », Béatrice Espesson , Senior Lecturer Faculty of Law of Saint Etienne on “Internet Sales of Medecines: Last Developments”, and Professors of Economics Bruno Versaevel and Richard Ruble, from EM Lyon Business School on“Economic Specificities of Distribution agreements concerning Internet Sales?”.
  • “Does Google abuse its dominant position?”paper presented in French for theConference “Webmarketing: The Legal Issues”. Conference Speaker with Mr Augagneur, Lawyer Jakubowicz & Ass. Law firm, Mr Claraz, Chairman of CYBERCITE Corp., EM Lyon, Lyon, April 24, 2012.
  • “Investigations on anticompetitive practices and international cooperation”,paper presented in French for theConference on« Firms and Competition Authorities Inquiries»,organized by Anne Tercinet forEMLYON Business School, in cooperation with the French Association on Competition Studies( AFEC), with participation of the French Association of In doors Lawyers ( AFJE), the Lamy Concurrence Law Review. Conference animated by Pauline Le More, Chairman of the AFECJunior Committee, Lawyer, Paris, and Mrs Carole L'Excellent, AFJE Rhône-Alpes director, with MrsAnne Krenzer Member of theFrench Competition Authority, Legal adviser in charge of the European Competition Network for the French Competition Authority, EM Lyon Business School, Lyon,June 21st, 2011.
  • “Competition law Procedure as a Laratory” , paper presented in French for the Bi-annualWorkshop on Law & Competition Policy Opus 2co-organised by Professor Cyril Nourissat for Jean-Moulin – Lyon 3 University, Law Faculty, and Dr Anne Tercinet for EM Lyon Business School, on : « Competition Law : Innovative law or Law of innovation ? », EM Lyon Business School, June 17th 2011. Guest where Professor François Souty, La Rochelle University and Vice-director of DGCCRF in Tours, and Professors of Economics Bruno Versaevel and Richard Ruble, from EM Lyon Business School.
  • “US Antitrust Law and Its Impact: The example of the fight against international cartels”, Conference Speaker, Conference organized by Professor Vincent Michelot, Institute of Political Siences - Lyon II University, May 13th, 2011.
  • “Worldwide crisis and Competition Policy: Slight shift or Hardening? The examples of the EU, the United States, Japan, Brazil, and South Africa”, Cercle Antéis 2, Conference Speaker, Lyon, November 19, 2009.
  • Evolution of the Antitrust risk in a global economy context: A comparative approach, paper presented for theWorkshopdedicated to The Firm in front of the Antitrust risk : Experts exchanging their views, EM Lyon Business School,Co-creator of the Workshopwith Professor Cyril Nourissat, Jean Moulin Law School, Lyon III University, Lyon, June 11, 2009. The guest were Bruno Versaevel, Richard Ruble Professors of Economy (EMLyon Business School), Robert Frederick, Professor of Philosophy (Bentley College - USA), Caroline Manville, Senior Lecturer in Management (Centre de Recherche en Management – Université Toulouse 1), Tessa Melkonian, Professor in Management and Human Ressources (EMLyon Business School), Thierry Nadisic Professor in Organisational Behavior (EMLyon Business School), et Benjamin Cheynel, Legal Assistant at the Court of Justice of the European Union.
  • “Fines & Damages in European and American Competition Law: The New Approaches”,LLM in International and European Law, Jean Moulin Law School, Lyon III University, Lyon, Conference Speaker, March 12, 2009.
  • “Leniency programmes around the world : Their Evolution”, Cercle Antéis,Conference Speaker, Lyon, January 18, 2008.
  • “Interaction between Law and Culture”, EM LYON, Executive Education Center, Lyon,Conference Speaker, November 22, 2006.
  • “Is there an American Legal Imperialism ?”, Cercle Antéis,Conference Speaker, Lyon, November 14, 2006.
  • “European & American Antitrust Policies: A comparison”, EM LYON, Executive Education Center, Paris,Conference Speaker, Avril 20, 2006.
  • “Distribution Contracts : Tools for International Development”, Speech given during the Conference organised bySalon CLASSE EXPORT, Lyon, on : « Les contrats : instruments de développement international de votre entreprise », Conference Speaker with Professor Cyril Nourissat, Jean Moulin University - Lyon 3, Catherine Jamon-Servel, Euro Info Centre Director, Lyon CCI, Hélène Boulet, Lawyer Ernst & Young Law Firm, Patrick Schulz, CCI of Lyon, Lyon- Eurexpo, December 1, 2005.
  • “European Competition Policy and the Car Industry”, Cercle Antéis, Conference Speaker,June 21, 2005, Lyon, France.
  • “Transfer of Technology: A New European Competition Policy”, Speech given during the Conference on “ International Transfer of Technology Contracts” organised by the J.E.V.I. Club 3 of the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lyon, France,with Christian Colombier Lawyer, BCF Law firm,Conference Speaker,March 24, 2005.
  • “European Law: Its impact on decision making”, EM LYON Executive Education Center, Conference Speaker,May 24, 2005, Paris, France.
  • “The European Construction”,EM.LYON Executive Education Center, Conference Speaker,May 25, 2004, Paris, France.
  • “Merger Control in Europe”, Cercle Antéis, Conference Speaker,May 14, 2002, Lyon, France.
  • “Interaction between law and culture”, Cercle Antéis, Conference Speaker,October 15, 2001, Lyon, France.
  • “European Union Competition Law The Reform: risks and opportunities for your company” Lyon Chamber of Commerce & Industry,Euro-Info CenterandLyon World Trade Centre, Conference sponsored by the European Commission, Deloitte & Touche, EM LYON and Lyon CCI. Conference speaker with Luigi Vitiello, European Commission, Dominique Fugas Lawyer, Deloitte & Touche Lyon, Alain Bridier, Director DGCCRF, Ministry of Economy, Lyon, October 4, 2001.
  • “European Institutions”, Cercle Antéis. Lyon, France,Conference Speaker,December 14, 1999.
  • “Product liability in France”, Conference “Les Rendez-vous d'Ecully”, EM LYON, Alumni Association 4, Conference speaker and Chairman: with Dominique Ferré, Lawyer, Fidal Law Firm, Yves Moreau, CEO, MERIAL Company, Josiane Milseck, Production Director, AXA 5 Courtage, Lyon, France, April 1, 1999.
  • Colloquium: The G8 Management Forum. Lyon, France: “Concentration: is size its own reward?”,Chairman, with Professor Thomas M. Kerr, Carnegie Mellon University (USA), Professor Alain Noël, HEC Montreal (Canada) and Peter Radley, Director Marketing & Business Development, Alcatel, October 20, 1998.
  • AUSA Federal Bar Association Conference: “A comparison of European Union Competition Law with US Antitrust Law”, sponsored by the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Federal Bar Association and ACBA Antitrust and Class Action Committee.Pittsburgh, USA, Conference speaker,April 30, 1998.
  • Conference for MBA students, Conference speaker with Professor Thomas M. KERR, “Comparison of European Union Competition Law with US Antitrust Law”,Carnegie Mellon UniversityGraduate School of Industrial Administration (now, Tepper MBA Program), Pittsburgh, USA, April 29, 1998.
  • The Art of Management Seminar, European & North American Perspectives: “Competition law in the EEC. Its characteristics”, Conference speaker, Lyon, May 16, 1995.