Professeure Associée
Thèmes de recherche
1. Surconfiance managériale
2. Personnalité des managers et des entrepreneurs (narcissisme, humilité)
3. Financement des startups
4. Gouvernance d'entreprise
5. Gestion de la difficulté financière
6. Biais de genre dans le financement entrepreneurial
Prix et récompenses
Achbah, Rachid, Vitanova, Ivana, Fréchet, Marc. 2024. Failure Escape: The role of advice seeking in CEOs’ awareness of financial difficulties and corporate restructuring. Journal of Business Research, 175 : 19 p.
Vitanova, Ivana. 2023. Self-presentation in entrepreneurial pitches: a review of literature using the dramaturgical approach. Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, 22 (2) : 147-177 p.
Vitanova, Ivana. 2022. CEO overconfidence and corporate tournaments. Managerial and Decision Economics, 43 (5) : 1423–1438 p.
Vitanova, Ivana. 2021. Nurturing overconfidence: The relationship between leader power, overconfidence and firm performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 32 (4) : 14 p.
Vilanova, Laurent, Vitanova, Ivana. 2021. Humilité et narcissisme des entrepreneurs: Quel impact sur les décisions des investisseurs en capital ?. Revue française de gestion, 47 (299) : 139–161 p.
Vilanova, Laurent, Vitanova, Ivana. 2020. Unwrapping opportunity confidence: how do different types of feasibility beliefs affect venture emergence?. Small Business Economics, 55 (1) : 215–236 p.
Articles académiques
- 2022 - Présent : Membre du Special Interest Group “Gender and Entrepreneurship (GENSIG)" du European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
- 2020 - 2024 : Membre de l'« Association des Experts en Evaluation d'Entreprises (A3E)"
Comités editoriaux
Révision dans des journaux académiques :
- The Leadership Quarterly - Journal of Business Ethics – Journal of Business Research - Small Business Economics - The European Journal of Finance - * Managerial and Decision Economics - Bankers, Markets and Investors – Revue Française de Gestion - Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat Membres des équipes éditoriales et de révision :
- Projets de recherche financés par l'ANR - Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI) - Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference (RENT)
Communications et Séminaires
- Achbah, R.; Frechet, M. & Vitanova, I (2024). Examining the impact of entrepreneurial narcissism on insolvency proceedings initiation by financially distressed SMEs; Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Munich, DE (2024)
- Vilanova, L. & Vitanova, I (2024).Entrepreneurs expressed humility and investors willingness to fund; 40th Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), Lille, FR (2024)
- Achbah, R.; Frechet, M. & Vitanova, I (2023). CEO Advice seeking and the Failure Escape: The Role of the CEO Entourage in Corporate Restructuring; XXXIIème conférence de l'AIMS. Strasbourg, FR (2023)
- Achbah, R.; Frechet, M. & Vitanova, I (2022). CEO Characteristics and Firm Restructuring Decision: The Choice Between In and Out-of-Court Restructuring; 38th Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI). Saint-Malo, FR (2022)
- Vitanova, I. (2022). Self-presentation in entrepreneurial pitches : a review of literature using the dramaturgical approach; Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference (RENT), Naples, IT (2022)
- Vilanova, L. & Vitanova, I. (2021). The Power of Expressed Humility : Investors' Reaction to Humble Entrepreneurs ; Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference 2021, online (2021)
- Vilanova L. & Vitanova I., (2017) Unwrapping Opportunity Confidence : How do Different Types of Nascent Entrepreneurs' Feasibility Beliefs affect Venture Emergence; ECNU-UDL Joint Workshop on Innovation and Finance, Shanghai, CN ( 2017)
- Vitanova I. (2015) CEO overconfidence and corporate tournaments, 31st Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI) Cergy, FR (2015)
- Vitanova I. (2014) Nurturing CEO overconfidence : the dynamics of corporate governance, managerial beliefs and firm performance; EFA Eastern Finance Association Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (2014)
- Vilanova L. & Vitanova I., (2013) Self-efficacy vs. Confidence in Opportunity Outcomes : Which type of entrepreneurial confidence fosters venture emergence ?; Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Lyon, FR (2013)