Dean of emlyon Asia
Research topics
1. Innovation Management
2. Product Architecture Innovation
3. Business Model Innovation
4. Foreign direct investment (Chinese outward FDI, FDI in China)
5. Strategy of enterprise, Industrial organization
6. Industrial Economics
7. Automobile industry
8. Chinese Economy
Hong, Xianpei, Chen, Ying-Ju, Gong, Yeming, Wang, Hua, Wang, Hua. 2024. Farmers' green technology adoption: Implications from government subsidies and information sharing. Naval Research Logistics, 71 (2) : 286-317 p.
Wang, Hua, Wang, Huan, Zheng, Leven J., Zhang, Justin Zuopeng, Kumar, Ajay, Srivastava, Praveen Ranjan. 2024. Unpacking complementarity in innovation ecosystems: A configurational analysis of knowledge transfer for achieving breakthrough innovation. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 198 : 14 p.
Alon, Ilan, Jimenez, Alfredo, Liu, Hui, Wang, Hua. 2020. The Institutionalization of Political Risk Assessment by Chinese Multinational Firms. Management International, 24 (H.S.) : 49-63 p.
Wang, Hua, Kimble, Chris, Balcet, Giovanni. 2018. Product innovation in emerging economies: product architecture and organisational capabilities in Geely and Tata. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 18 (4) : 384-405 p.
Jiang, Shisong, Gong, Limin, Wang, Hua, Kimble, Chris. 2016. Institution, strategy, and performance: A co-evolution model in transitional China. Journal of Business Research, 69 (9) : 3352-3360 p.
Wang, Hua, Alon, Ilan, Kimble, Chris. 2015. Dialogue in the Dark: Shedding Light on the Development of Social Enterprises in China. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 34 (4) : 60-69 P.
Alon, Ilan, Wang, Hua, Shen, Jun, Zhang, Wenxian. 2014. Chinese state-owned enterprises go global. Journal of Business Strategy, 35 (6) : 3-18 P.
Wang, Hua, Kimble, Chris. 2013. Innovation and Leapfrogging in the Chinese Automobile Industry: Examples From Geely, BYD, and Shifeng. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 32 (6) : 6-17 P.
Kimble, Chris, Wang, Hua. 2013. China's new energy vehicles: value and innovation. Journal of Business Strategy, 34 (2) : 13-20 P.
Balcet, Giovanni, Wang, Hua, Richet, Xavier. 2012. Geely: a trajectory of catching up and asset-seeking multinational growth. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 12 (4) : 360-375 P.
Wang, Hua, Balcet, Giovanni. 2012. Editorial of the Special Issue on the Dynamics of the Chinese Automotive Industry: Strategies, Innovation and Globalisation. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 12 (4) : 313-317 P.
Kimble, Chris, Wang, Hua. 2012. Transistors, electric vehicles and leapfrogging in China and Japan. Journal of Business Strategy, 33 (3) : 22-29 P.
Wang, Hua, Kimble, Chris. 2011. Leapfrogging to electric vehicles: patterns and scenarios for China's automobile industry. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 11 (4) : 312-325 P.
Wang, Hua, Kimble, Chris. 2010. Low-cost strategy through product architecture: lessons from China. Journal of Business Strategy, 31 (3) : 12-20 P.
Wang, Hua, Kimble, Chris. 2010. Betting on Chinese electric cars?: analysing BYD's capacity for innovation. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 10 (1) : 77-92 P.
Wang, Hua, Zhang, Li. 2009. Roadmap on the construction of product portfolio. Business Management Review (China), 2009 (11) : 49-51 P.
Zhang, Zhichao, Sun, Wai, Wang, Hua. 2008. A new perspective on financial anomalies in emerging markets: the case of China. Applied Financial Economics, 18 (21) : 1681-1695 P.
Wang, Hua. 2008. Innovation in product architecture: A study of the Chinese automobile industry. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25 (3) : 509-535 P.
Wang, Hua. 2003. Policy reforms and foreign direct investment: the case of the chinese automobile industry. East-West Journal of Economics and Business, VI (1) : 287-314 P.
Academic articles
Wang, Hua. 2015. Fluctuation of the Chinese Automobile Market during and after the Financial Crisis. In Jetin, Bruno, Global Automobile Demand: Major Trends in Emerging Economies. Volume 2. Palgrave Macmillan, 113-135 P.
Wang, Hua. 2015. La naissance de l'industrie de véhicules électriques en Chine. In Huchet, Jean-François, Richet, Xavier, Ruet, Joël, Chine, Inde : les firmes au cœur de l'émergence. PUR, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 125-140 P.
Wang, Hua. 2013. Interpret the dream of Building Chinese Prestigious Brands. In Robb, Report, Chinese Fine Art. New Star Press, 230-233 P.
Wang, Hua, Kimble, Chris. 2012. The Low Speed Electric Vehicle: China’s Unique Sustainable Automotive Technology?. In Subic, Aleksandar, Wellnitz, Jörg, Leary, Martin, Koopmans, Lucien, Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2012: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference. Springer, 207-214 P.
Wang, Hua, Kimble, Chris. 2012. Business Model Innovation and the Development of the Electric Vehicle Industry in China. In Calabrese, Giuseppe, The Greening of the Automotive Industry. Palgrave Macmillan, 240-253 P.
Wang, Hua. 2011. Shifting towards global maritime centre: the roadmap of Shanghai. In Wang, Fanghua, Chinese and foreign metropolitan region development report 2010. Shanghai People Press, 172-180 P.
Wang, Hua, Kimble, Chris. 2011. Low-cost strategy through product architecture: lessons from China. In Thompson, Arthur, Strickland, Alonzo J., Gamble, John, Crafting & Executing Strategy: Concepts and Readings, 18th ed.. McGraw Hill
Wang, Hua, Kimble, Chris. 2010. Product Architecture as a Driver of Breakthrough Strategy: The Case of Chinese Carmakers. In Reynolds, John V., Emerging Markets: Identification, New Developments and Investments. Nova Science
Wang, Hua. 2009. Made in China: Joint Ventures and Domestic Newcomers. In Freyssenet, Michel, The Second Automobile Revolution: Trajectories of the World Carmakers in the 21st Century. Palgrave Macmillan, 383-403 P.
Wang, Hua. 2008. The trajectory of Geely's innovation. In Huchet, Jean-François, Wang, Wei, Chinese Firms in the Era of globalisation. China Development Press House, 95-112 P.
Wang, Hua. 2007. Foreign Direct Investment in China's Automotive Industry. In Huchet, Jean-François, Richet, Xavier, Ruet, Joël, Globalisation in China, India and Russia: Emergence of National Groups and Global Strategies of Firms. Academic Foundation, 243-258 P.
Wang, Hua. 2007. The evolution of strategy on the foreign direct investment, case study of Volkswagen in China. In Qiu, Haixiong, Regional innovation and firm development = Quyu chuangxin yu qiye fazhan. Jingji Kexue Chubanshe, 459-573
Wang, Hua. 2001. The Impact of Foreign Trade on the Economic Growth of Shanghai. In Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette, Bassino, Jean-Pascal, Jaussaud, Jacques, Changing Economic Environment in Asia: Firms' Strategies in the Region. Palgrave Macmillan, 197-216 P.