Frédéric DELMAR

Professor level 2

PhD in Economic Psychology

Innovation & Entrepreneurship


I am a leading scholar in entrepreneurship research.
My interest lies in the early development of new ventures and new venture growth.
My current interest is in new venture team dynamics. I have also worked as an expert for the OECD and EU.
I have been active in several start-ups.
I am “Erling Persson Visiting Professor” at Stockholm School of Economics, House of Innovation.

1996: PhD in Economic Psychology, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden,
  • 1991: Umeå University Umeå, Sweden, Business administration, Bachelor of Science
2012 - 2018: Full professor, directly appointed, Lund School of Economics and Management
  • 2015 - 2017: Deputy Vice Dean Lund School of Economics and Management
  • 2005 - 2013: Full professor, Strategy and Organization, emlyon business school