Catherine PARDO
Professeur niveau 1
Thèmes de recherche
1. Marketing Business to Business
2. Key Account Management (Gestion des Comptes Clés)
3. Intermédiation interentreprises
4. Organisations marketing en Business to Business
Saucède, Florent, Pardo, Catherine. 2024. Zones d’ombre du pouvoir transformatif du numérique dans les systèmes alimentaires. Systèmes alimentaires / Food Systems, 9 : 207-225 p.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine, Wei, Ruiqi. 2024. Exclusion and inclusion on business markets: Impacts of the Internet-Of-Things (IoT). Industrial Marketing Management, 123 : 108-118 p.
Wei, Ruiqi, Pardo, Catherine. 2024. Looking for resource density in the platform supply network. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 30 (3) : 15 p.
Peters, Leonore, Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2022. Key account managers’ identification profiles and effectiveness: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 107 : 253-265 p.
Wei, Ruiqi, Pardo, Catherine. 2022. Artificial intelligence and SMEs: How can B2B SMEs leverage AI platforms to integrate AI technologies?. Industrial Marketing Management, 107 : 466-483 p.
Feste, Jasmin, Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2022. Key account management formalization and effectiveness: A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 107 : 450-465
Pardo, Catherine, Wei, Ruiqi, Ivens, Björn Sven. 2022. Integrating the business networks and internet of things perspectives: A system of systems (SoS) approach for industrial markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 104 : 258-275 p.
Hemonnet-Goujot, Aurélie, Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2022. Network creativity: A conceptual lens for inter- and intra-organizational creative processes. Industrial Marketing Management, 102 : 503-513 p.
Pardo, Catherine, Pagani, Margherita, Savinien, Jean. 2022. The strategic role of social media in business-to-business contexts. Industrial Marketing Management, 101 : 82-97 p.
Dessaigne, Elsa, Pardo, Catherine. 2020. The network orchestrator as steward: Strengthening norms as an orchestration practice. Industrial Marketing Management, 91 : 223-233 p.
Pardo, Catherine, Ivens, Björn Sven, Pagani, Margherita. 2020. Are products striking back?: The rise of smart products in business markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 90 : 205-220 p.
Feste, Jasmin, Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2020. Key account selection as a political process: Conceptual foundation and exploratory investigation. Industrial Marketing Management, 90 : 417-434 p.
Peters, Leonore, Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2020. Identification as a challenge in key account management: Conceptual foundations and a qualitative study. Industrial Marketing Management, 90 : 300-313 p.
Pardo, Catherine, Ivens, Björn Sven, Niersbach, Barbara. 2020. An identity perspective of key account managers as paradoxical relationship managers. Industrial Marketing Management, 89 : 355-372 p.
Michel, Sophie, Saucède, Florent, Pardo, Catherine, Fenneteau, Hervé. 2019. Business interaction and institutional work: When intermediaries make efforts to change their position. Industrial Marketing Management, 80 : 266-279 p.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Leischnig, Alexander, Pardo, Catherine, Niersbach, Barbara. 2018. Key account management as a firm capability. Industrial Marketing Management, 74 : 39-49 p.
Leischnig, Alexander, Ivens, Björn Sven, Niersbach, Barbara, Pardo, Catherine. 2018. Mind the gap: A process model for diagnosing barriers to key account management implementation. Industrial Marketing Management, 70 : 58-67 p.
Pagani, Margherita, Pardo, Catherine. 2017. The impact of digital technology on relationships in a business network. Industrial Marketing Management, 67 : 185-192 p.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine, Niersbach, Barbara, Leischnig, Alexander. 2016. Firm-internal key account management networks: Framework, case study, avenues for future research. Industrial Marketing Management, 58 : 102-113
Pardo, Catherine, Portier, Philippe, Salle, Robert. 2016. Rapprocher achats et marketing dans l'entreprise: Mieux collaborer en interne pour mieux collaborer en externe. Revue Française de Gestion, 2016/5 (258) : 11-27
Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2016. Managerial implications of research on inter-organizational interfaces: The case of key account management. The IMP Journal, 10 (1) : 25-49 P.
Lacoste, Sylvie, Pardo, Catherine. 2016. Les pratiques conjointes de responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise (RSE) au sein d'un écosystème d'affaires: Une étude de cas. Management et Avenir, 85 : 35-55 P.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Niersbach, Barbara, Pardo, Catherine. 2015. Key Account Management: Selling? Providing Services?.. Or Both?. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 32 (6) : 68-76 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Michel, Sophie. 2015. Dynamics in a distribution triad. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 30 (8) : 915-925 P.
Cova, Bernard, Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert, Spencer, Robert. 2015. Normal vs spectacular science: The IMP Group and BtoB marketing. Industrial Marketing Management, 49 : 80-83 P.
Cova, Bernard, Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert, Spencer, Robert. 2014. Coping with Recurring Issues in BtoB research: The Sisyphus effect? Or a "rolling stone" Syndrome?. The IMP Journal, 8 (3) : 101-106 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Ivens, Björn Sven, Wilson, Kevin. 2014. Differentiation and alignment in KAM implementation. Industrial Marketing Management, 43 (7) : 1136-1145 P.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2014. The role of Key Account Management in Marketing and Sales Intelligence. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 31 (4) : 32-41 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Ivens, Björn Sven, Wilson, Kevin. 2013. Assessing and strengthening internal alignment of new marketing units: An interpretative tool. Industrial Marketing Management, 42 (7) : 1074–1082 p.
Giraud, Laurent, Pardo, Catherine. 2012. Les fonctions commerciales au cœur de l’évolution des intermédiaires du BtoB ?: Une étude exploratoire. Management et Avenir, 51 (1) : 167-185 P.
Michel, Sophie, Pardo, Catherine. 2012. La spécificité du commerce BtoB: quelques repères historiques. Management et Avenir, 51 (1) : 156-166 P.
Missirilian, Ohanes, Pardo, Catherine, Portier, Philippe, Salle, Robert. 2011. Barriers to the "key supplierization" of the firm. Industrial Marketing Management, 40 (6) : 853-861 P.
Portier, Philippe, Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert. 2010. Achats et marketing: Une asymétrie d'interface. Revue Française de Gestion, 99 : 97-119 P.
Guenzi, Paolo, Georges, Laurent, Pardo, Catherine. 2010. The impact of strategic account managers' behaviors on relational outcomes: An empirical study. Industrial Marketing Management, 38 (3) : 300-311 P.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine, Tunisini, Annalisa. 2009. Organizing and integrating marketing and purchasing in business markets: An introduction to the special issue, issues and implications. Industrial Marketing Management, 38 (8) : 851-856 P.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert, Cova, Bernard. 2009. Relationship keyness: The underlying concept for different forms of key relationship management. Industrial Marketing Management, 38 (5) : 513-519 P.
Henneberg, Stephan, Pardo, Catherine, Mouzas, Stefano, Naudé, Peter. 2009. Value dimensions and relationship postures in dyadic "Key Relationship Programmes". Journal of Marketing Management, 25 (5-6) : 535-550 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Ivens, Björn Sven. 2008. Key account management in business markets: an empirical test of common assumptions. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 23 (5) : 301-310 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Ivens, Björn Sven. 2007. "Are key account relationships different? Empirical results on supplier strategies and customer reactions". Industrial Marketing Management, 36 (4) : 470-482 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Guenzi, Paolo, Georges, Laurent. 2007. Relational selling strategy and key account managers' relational behaviors: an exploratory study. Industrial Marketing Management, 36 (1) : 121-133 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Henneberg, Stephan, Mouzas, Stefano, Naudé, Peter. 2006. Unpicking the meaning of value in key account management. European Journal of Marketing, 40 (11/12) : 1360-1374 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Ivens, Björn Sven. 2004. Les clients comptes-clés sont-ils vraiment traités différemment ?: Le point de vue des clients. Recherche et Application en Marketing, 19 (4) : 3-22 P.
Pardo, Catherine. 1999. Key account management in the business-to-business field: a French overview. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 14 (4) : 276-297 P.
Pardo, Catherine. 1997. Key account management in the business to business field: the key account's point of view. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 17 (4) : 17-26 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert. 1997. La gestion de portefeuille de clients en milieu industriel: pour une démarche intégrée. Décisions Marketing, (10) : 67-76 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert, Spencer, Robert. 1995. The key accountization of the firm: A case study. Industrial Marketing Management, 24 (2) : 123-134 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert. 1994. Strategic interplays of an actor in a relationship with a distributor. Industrial Marketing Management, 23 (5) : 403-418 P.
Articles académiques
Chambost-Guigard, Laure, Lai-Bennejean, Christine, Pardo, Catherine, Vanheems, Régine. 2023. Business-to-business selling through a practice lens: Reconciling the different perspectives of the selling phenomenon . 6th, Bamberg, Germany, 19-20 January, 2023. Bamberg, Germany : University of Bamberg
Portier, Philippe, Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert. 2014. From dyad to triad: Managing differentiated Vs undifferentiated relationships . 30th, Bordeaux, September 1-6, 2014. IMP Group, Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group
Pardo, Catherine, Michel, Sylvie. 2013. Interconnections in the “producer / wholesaler /customer” triadic relationship. The case of fresh fruit and vegetable wholesaling in France”. 29th, Atlanta, August 30 – September 2, 2013. IMP Group, Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group
Pardo, Catherine, Lacoste, Sylvie. 2013. Vertical relationships as arenas for joint CSR practices. 29th, Atlanta, August 30 – September 2, 2013. IMP Group, Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group
Pardo, Catherine, Ivens, Björn Sven. 2013. Key Account Management and Project Business Management cohabitation. 6th, Bamberg, Germany, June 20-22, 2013. jbm, Journal of Business Market Management
Pardo, Catherine. 2011. Wholesaling: Exploiting activity links and resource ties with suppliers and customers . 27th, Glasgow, Scotland, August 30-September 3, 2011. IMP Group, Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group
Pardo, Catherine, Portier, Philippe, Salle, Robert. 2011. Integrating Marketing and Purchasing within the same company: A case study . 27th, Glasgow, Scotland, August 30-September 3, 2011. IMP Group, Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group, 11 p. 11 p.
Pardo, Catherine. 2011. Wholesaling: Exploiting activities ties and resources bonds with producers and customers. EMAC, European Marketing Academy
Niersbach, Barbara, Pardo, Catherine, Ivens, Björn Sven. 2011. Internal aspects of Key Account Management: A resource based theoretical framework and some experts' insight .
Portier, Philippe, Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert, Missirilian, Ohanes. 2011. Strategy and strategists: In search of "Suppliers' Strategization" has strategic management forgotten the suppliers? . IPSERA, International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association
Missirilian, Ohanes, Pardo, Catherine, Portier, Philippe, Salle, Robert. 2010. Key supplier management: Barriers to: the “Key Supplierization” of the firm . , 13 P. 13 P.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2010. Ethical business-to-business exchange: A revised perspective . , 23 P. 23 P.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Georges, Laurent, Pardo, Catherine. 2010. What do companies do when they do marketing?. , 14 P. 14 P.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Guese, Khatarina, Pardo, Catherine. 2010. Governance mechanisms and price level: An empirical study in vertical business-to-business relationships .
Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2010. The ethicality of business relationships: The necessity for a revised perspective drawing on the network approach .
Missirilian, Ohanes, Pardo, Catherine, Portier, Philippe, Salle, Robert. 2010. Key Supply Management – Not a simple mirror of Key Account Management. , 8 P. 8 P.
Missirilian, Ohanes, Pardo, Catherine, Portier, Philippe, Salle, Robert. 2010. Barriers to key supplier management: Is imitating Key Account Management a relevant solution? . , 15 P. 15 P.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2009. Governance mechanisms and price level: An empirical study in vertical Business-to-Business relationships . , 8 P. 8 P.
Henneberg, Stephan, Pardo, Catherine, Naudé, Peter, Mouzas, Stefanos, Zolkiewski, Judy. 2009. Perceived value of key account relationships: an emerging theory-in-use . , 26 P. 26 P.
Salle, Robert, Cova, Bernard, Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2007. Integrated solutions in the IT industry: The Key Role of Alliance Managers . , 14 P. 14 P.
Pardo, Catherine. 2001. Gestion des comptes clés en milieu industriel. L'équipe compte-clé comme reconfiguration efficace de la relation fournisseur-client.
Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert. 1996. Définir les limites du client: la première étape de la gestion d’un portefeuille de clients en milieu industriel .
Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert. 1995. Defining Customer Boundaries: the First Step in Customer Portfolio Management . , 17 P. 17 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert. 1993. The strategic interplay of actors in a tripartite relationship supplier-distributor-end user: a case concerning the distribution of electricity in France .
Pardo, Catherine, Salle, Robert, Spencer, Robert. 1993. The key accountisation of the firm: a case study .
Crespin-Mazet, Florence, Pardo, Catherine. 1993. La modification des rapports de pouvoir au sein d’une relation inter-organisationnelle à enjeux élevés. , 31 P. 31 P.
Salle, Robert, Pardo, Catherine. 1993. Jeux stratégiques d'acteurs dans une relation tripartite fournisseur-distributeur-utilisateur: le cas de la distribution d'énergie .
Communications de conférences
Pardo, Catherine, Paché, Gilles. 2015. Commerce de gros, commerce inter-entreprises: Les enjeux de l'intermédiation. Cormelles-le-Royal : Éd. EMS, Management & société, 324 p.
Pardo, Catherine. 2004. Responsable comptes clés: comprendre, sélectionner, gérer et développer les grands comptes. Paris : Dunod, 1 vol. (XIII-201 p.)
Pardo, Catherine. 2022. B2B distribution: A resource / activity perspective. In Des Garets, Véronique, Paché, Gilles, Variations sur la consommation et la distribution: Individus, expériences, systèmes. Aix-en-Provence : Presses universitaires de Provence, 389-394 p.
Pardo, Catherine. 2015. Une approche triadique de la distribution BtoB. In Pardo, Catherine, Paché, Gilles, Commerce de gros, commerce inter-entreprises : Les enjeux de l'intermédiation. EMS, 61-80 P.
Henneberg, Stephan, Pardo, Catherine, Mouzas, Stefanos, Naudé, Peter. 2014. Value dimensions and relationship postures in dyadic "key relationship programmes". In Woodburn, Diana, Wilson, Kevin, Handbook of Strategic Account Management: A Comprehensive Resource. Wiley, 191-204 P.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Pardo, Catherine. 2014. Key account management in business markets: an empirical test of common assumptions. In Woodburn, Diana, Wilson, Kevin, Handbook of Strategic Account Management: A Comprehensive Resource. Wiley, 191-204 P.
Pardo, Catherine. 2006. Key Account Management in the Industrial Field. In Sarathy, Partha, Balakhrishna, A., Key Accounts Management, Concepts and Applications. ICFAI University Press, 111-131 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Henneberg, Stephan, Mouzas, Stefano, Naudé, Peter. 2006. Unpicking the Meaning of Value in Key Account Management. Key Accounts Management, Concepts and Applications. ICFAI University Press, 10-27 P.
Pardo, Catherine. 2001. La gestion des comptes clés. In Bloch, Alain, Macquin, Anne, Encyclopédie Vente et Distribution. Economica, 397-406 P.
Salle, Robert, Cova, Bernard, Pardo, Catherine. 2000. Portfolio of supplier-customer relationships. In Woodside, Arch G., Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing. JAI Press, 419-442 P.
Salle, Robert, Cova, Bernard, Pardo, Catherine. 2000. Portofolio of Supplier-Customer relationships. In Woodside, Arch G., Getting Better at Sensemaking (Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing). Emerald Group Publishing, 419-442 P.
Crespin-Mazet, Florence, Pardo, Catherine. 1994. Modifying the power balance in a high stakes industrial relationship. In Baker, Michael J., Perspectives on Marketing Management. John Wiley, 251-274 P.
Chapitres d'ouvrages
Pagani, Margherita. 2015. The Role of consumer experiential engagement in new media based social networks environnments: implications for marketing strategies. Thèse de doctorat ès Sciences de gestion, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3.
Pardo, Catherine. 2006. La relation fournisseur-client clé: Des portefeuilles de clients à la gouvernance des échanges inter-organisationnels. Habilitation à diriger des recherches ès Sciences de gestion, Université de Montpellier III. 138 p.
Pardo, Catherine. 2000. Du gestionnaire de comptes clés à l'équipe compte: La reconfiguration d'échanges interorganisationnels en échanges intraorganisationnels dans un contexte industriel. Thèse de doctorat ès Sciences de gestion, Université de Bourgogne. 355 p.
Ivens, Björn Sven, Niersbach, Barbara, Pardo, Catherine. 2022. Key Account Management: Selling? Providing Services? ..Or both?. AKAM Bulletin: 14-17 p.
Pardo, Catherine. 2019. Stewardship dans les systèmes de distribution: Un modèle d'organisation inspirant. Courrier Cadres, 121: 86-87 p.
Pardo, Catherine. 2012. Le grossiste, créateur de valeur dans la filière. Fnas Infos, 43: 2 P.
Pardo, Catherine, Rabaud, Anne-Françoise. 2009. Quelles compétences pour vos commerciaux grands comptes. Action commerciale, (293): 38-39 P.
Pardo, Catherine. 1999. Gestion des comptes-clés en milieu industriel: un bilan de fin de siècle. 173-174: 141-154
Articles de presse
- Personnalité Qualifiée au sein de la Commission de Concertation du Commerce
- Personnalité Qualifiée au sein de la Commission des Comptes Commerciaux de la Nation
Communications et Séminaires
- Pardo, C. & Dessaigne, E. (2017). B2B distributors as possible network stewards. Communication to the 8th BMM-EMAC Biennial International Conference on Business Market Management, Graz, Austria. 6-8 july2017
- Michel, S., Saucede, F. & Pardo, C. (2017). Changing positions in distribution networks: the role of legitimacy. Communication to the Conference Bringing IT to Marketing, Paris, France. 29-30 may2017
- Pardo, C. & Dessaigne, E. (2015). Dynamics within a distribution network. Communication to the 31st IMP Conference, Kolding, Denmark.
- Niersbach, B., Ivens, B. S., Pardo, C. & Leischnig, A. (2015).Managing internal network activities in Key Account Management – a case study.Communication to the 31st IMP Conference, Kolding, Denmark.
- Niersbach, B., Ivens, B. S., Pardo, C. & Leischnig, A. (2015).Key Account Management (KAM) and competitive advantage.Communication to theInternational Competitiveness Management Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Ivens, B. S., Leischnig, A., Niersbach, B., & Pardo, C. & (2015).The Dual Network Perspective on Key Account Management: KAM as organizational capability for managing the interface between customer-side network and supplier-side network. Communication to the 7th BMM Confrence, London, UK.
- Cova, B., Pardo, C., Salle, R. & Spencer, R. (2014), coping with recurring issues in BtoB research: The Sisyphus effect? Or a rolling stone syndrome? 30th IMP Conference, Bordeaux, France.
- Portier, P., Pardo, C. & Salle, R. (2014), From Dyad to triad: Managing differentiated Vs undifferentiated relationships, 30th IMP Conference, Bordeaux, France.
- Saucede, F., Pardo, C., Michel, S. & Fenneteau, H. (2014), The paradox of wholesalers' survival : an analysis through role and legitimacy in the context of the fruit and vegetables distribution networks, 30th IMP Conference, Bordeaux, France.
- Ivens, B., Leischnig, A., Niersbach, B. & Pardo, C. (2014), "Key Account Managers‘ internal tasks inside their company – a case study“, ISBM Academic Conference, San Francisco, USA.
- Pardo, Catherine & Michel, Sylvie (2013). “Interconnections in the “producer / wholesaler /customer” triadic relationship. The case of fresh fruit and vegetable wholesaling in France”. 29th IMP Conference, Atlanta, USA.
- Pardo, Catherine & Lacoste, Sylvie (2013). “Vertical relationships as arenas for joint CSR practices” . 29th IMP Conference, Atlanta, USA.
- Pardo, Catherine & Ivens, Bjorn (2013). Key Account Management and Project Business Management cohabitation.6th BMM Conference, Bamberg, Germany.
- Pardo, Catherine (2012). From internal knowledge to customer offering: The “combination trip” of a resource. 28th IMP Conference, Roma, Italy.
- Pardo, Catherine, Bjorn Ivens & Kevin Wilson. “KAM and the internal alignment challenge. How aligned are we? How more aligned can we be?” 28th IMP Conference, Roma, Italy.
- Pardo, Catherine (2011), " Wholesaling: Exploiting Activity Links and Resource Ties with Suppliers and Customers”,27th IMP Conference,Glascow, Scotland.
- Pardo, Catherine, Philippe Portier & Robert Salle (2011), "Integrating Marketing and Purchasing within the same company: A case study”,27th IMP Conference,Glasgow, Scotland.