Thèmes de recherche
1. Économie expérimentale
2. Économie comportementale
3. Émotions
4. Prise de décision
5. Altruisme
6. Biens publics
7. Confiance
Prix et récompenses
Zheng, Jiakun, Couprie, Hélène, Hopfensitz, Astrid. 2025. Collective risk-taking by couples: Individual vs household risk. Theory and Decision, FORTH : 31 p.
Galeotti, Fabio, Hopfensitz, Astrid, Mantilla, César. 2024. Climate change education through the lens of behavioral economics: A systematic review of studies on observed behavior and social norms. Ecological Economics, 226 : 22 p.
Zylbersztejn, Adam, Babutsidze, Zaharia, Hanaki, Nobuyuki, Hopfensitz, Astrid. 2024. How beautiful people see the world: Cooperativeness judgments of and by beautiful people. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 218 : 296-308 p.
Barragan-Jason, Gladys, Hopfensitz, Astrid. 2023. Self‐control is negatively linked to prosociality in young children. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 36 (4) : 8 p.
Hopfensitz, Astrid, Mantilla, César. 2023. Smiles behind a mask are detectable and affect judgments of attractiveness, trustworthiness, and competence. Journal of Economic Psychology, 98 : 12 p.
Tisserand, Jean-Christian, Hopfensitz, Astrid, Blondel, Serge, Loheac, Youenn, Mantilla, César, Mateu, Guillermo, Rosaz, Julie, Rozan, Anne, Willinger, Marc, Sutan, Angela. 2022. Management of common pool resources in a nation-wide experiment. Ecological Economics, 201
Borau, Sylvie, Couprie, Hélène, Hopfensitz, Astrid. 2022. The prosociality of married people: Evidence from a large multinational sample. Journal of Economic Psychology, 92 : 10 p.
Tognetti, Arnaud, Durand, Valérie, Dubois, Dimitri, Barkat-Defradas, Melissa, Hopfensitz, Astrid, Ferdenzi, Camille. 2022. The smell of cooperativeness: Do human body odours advertise cooperative behaviours?. British Journal of Psychology, 113 (2) : 531-546 p.
Barragan-Jason, Gladys, Hopfensitz, Astrid. 2021. Children with higher screen time exposure were less likely to show patience and to make school friends at 4–6 years of age. Acta Paediatrica, 110 (12) : 3302-3304 p.
Barragan-Jason, Gladys, Cauchoix, Maxime, Regnier, Anne, Bourjade, Marie, Hopfensitz, Astrid, Chaine, Alexis S. 2021. Schoolchildren cooperate more successfully with non-kin than with siblings. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288 (1944)
Lespiau, Florence, Hopfensitz, Astrid, Kaminski, Gwenaël. 2021. Keeping it for yourself or your sister?: Experimental evidence on birth order effects on resource distribution between kin and non-kin. Journal of Economic Psychology, 82 : 7 p.
Tognetti, Arnaud, Durand, Valérie, Barkat-Defradas, Melissa, Hopfensitz, Astrid. 2020. Does he sound cooperative?: Acoustic correlates of cooperativeness. British Journal of Psychology, 111 (4) : 823-839 p.
Salvia, E, Mevel, K, Borst, G, Poirel, N, Simon, G, Orliac, F, Etard, O, Hopfensitz, Astrid, Houdé, O., Bonnefon, JF, De Neys, W. 2020. Age-related neural correlates of facial trustworthiness detection during economic interaction. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 13 (1) : 19-33 p.
Hopfensitz, Astrid, Mantilla, César. 2019. Emotional expressions by sports teams: An analysis of World Cup soccer player portraits. Journal of Economic Psychology, 75 (B)
Hopfensitz, Astrid, Mantilla, César, Miquel-Florensa, Josepa. 2019. Catch Uncertainty and Reward Schemes in a Commons Dilemma: An Experimental Study. Environmental & Resource Economics, 72 (4) : 1121-1153 p.
Cochard, François, Couprie, Hélène, Hopfensitz, Astrid. 2018. What if women earned more than their spouses?: An experimental investigation of work-division in couples. Experimental Economics, 21 (1) : 50-71 p.
Attanasi, Giuseppe, Hopfensitz, Astrid, Lorini, Emiliano, Moisan, Frederic. 2016. Social connectedness improves co-ordination on individually costly, efficient outcomes. European Economic Review, 90 : 86-106 p.
Cochard, François, Couprie, Hélène, Hopfensitz, Astrid. 2016. Do spouses cooperate?: An experimental investigation. Review of Economics of the Household, 14 (1) : 1-26 p.
Beblo, Miriam, Beninger, Denis, Cochard, François, Couprie, Hélène, Hopfensitz, Astrid. 2015. Efficiency-Equality Trade-off within French and German Couples: A Comparative Experimental Study. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 117/118 : 233-252 p.
Attanasi, Giuseppe, Hopfensitz, Astrid, Lorini, Emiliano, Moisan, Frederic. 2014. The effects of social ties on coordination: conceptual foundations for an empirical analysis. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 13 (1) : 47–73 p.
Articles académiques
Hopfensitz, Astrid, Munro, Alistair. 2020. Behavioral Household Economics. In Zimmermann, Klaus F., Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, 1-21 p.
Chapitres d'ouvrages
Hopfensitz, Astrid. 2024. ‘Pretty privilege’: attractive people considered more trustworthy, research confirms. The Conversation
Hopfensitz, Astrid, Couprie, Hélène, Borau, Sylvie. 2023. Target single men to counter new Covid-19 variants, health survey of more than 45,000 people reveals. The Conversation
Articles de presse
- Economic Science Association (ESA)
- Association Francaise d'Economie Experimentale - (ASFEE - ex-présidente)
Communications et Séminaires
- 2021: ENS Paris-Saclay, 1/2021; ESCP, 3/2021; FETS (French experimental economics talks series), 5/2021; Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia, 6/2021
- 2020: Paris Dauphine, 4/2020
- 2019: CREED, Amsterdam, 3/2019; University of Milan, 4/2019; Paris School of Economics, 9/19; Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 10/2019; University of Nantes, 11/2019
- 2018: University of Strassbourg, 2/2018; Berlin (WZB and Humboldt University), 4/2018; Oxford, Nuffield college, 6/2018; Innsbruck, Austria, 11/2018; Vienna, Austria, 12/2018
- 2017: NYU Abu Dhabi, 4/2017; Montpellier, 10/2017
- 2016: EUI, 2/2016, Florence, Italy
- 2014: Paris School of Economics, 12/2014, Paris, France; Tilburg University, 1/2014; Tilburg, The Netherlands
- 2013: Tinbergen Institute, 10/2013; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Santa Fe Institute, 07/2013; Santa Fe, New Mexico; University of Rennes, 03/2013; Rennes, France
- 2009: Centre des jeunes dirigeants, 10/2009; Toulouse, France
- 2008: National University of Ireland, 11/2008; Maynooth, Ireland
- 2007: Toulouse School of Economics, 12/2007; Toulouse, France; Tinbergen Institute: 20 years alumni lustrum, 05/2007; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; University of Montpellier, 03/2007; Montpellier, France; CNRS, University of Paris, 3/2007; Paris, France; University of Tilburg, 1/2007; Tilburg, The Netherlands
- 2006: Institute of Swiss Banking, University of Zürich, 11/2006; Zürich, Switzerland; GATE - CNRS, 06/2006; Lyon, France; Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zürich, 04/2006; Zürich, Switzerland
- 2004: Tinbergen Institute, University of Amsterdam, 11/2004; Amsterdam, The Netherlands